The Ultimate Guide to Calling in Sick at Walmart: Procedures, Policies, and Tips for Associate Well-being

As one of the largest employers in the United States, Walmart relies on its dedicated workforce of over 1.5 million associates to keep its stores running smoothly and provide excellent customer service. However, even the most committed employees may find themselves in situations where they need to call in sick due to illness, injury, or personal emergencies. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll delve into the process of calling in sick at Walmart, explore the company‘s absence policies, and discuss the importance of prioritizing associate well-being in the retail industry.

The Impact of Absenteeism in the Retail Industry

Absenteeism is a significant concern for retailers, as it can lead to decreased productivity, increased workload for other employees, and potential disruptions in customer service. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), absenteeism in the retail industry costs employers an average of $1,685 per employee per year (1).

For a company as large as Walmart, the financial impact of absenteeism can be substantial. A 2018 report by the National Safety Council estimated that absenteeism due to illness and injury costs U.S. employers approximately $530 billion annually (2). As a result, Walmart has implemented specific policies and procedures to manage associate absences and minimize their impact on store operations.

Understanding Walmart‘s Absence Policy

Walmart‘s absence policy is designed to ensure that associates report their absences promptly and provide the necessary information to their managers and HR representatives. The policy outlines the following key requirements:

  1. Associates must report their absence at least three hours before the start of their scheduled shift, whenever possible.
  2. Absences must be reported through the official Walmart channels, such as the Associate Information Line or the OneWalmart employee portal.
  3. Associates must provide a valid reason for their absence, such as illness, injury, or personal emergency.
  4. Unauthorized absences, such as failing to report an absence or calling in sick after the start of a scheduled shift, may result in disciplinary action under Walmart‘s attendance policy.

Walmart‘s Attendance Point System

To track and manage associate attendance, Walmart uses a point system. Under this system, associates accrue points for unauthorized absences, late arrivals, and early departures. The number of points received depends on the specific circumstances of the absence, such as the day of the week or the proximity to a holiday.

Absence Type Points Received
Unauthorized absence on a regular workday 1 point
Unauthorized absence on a key date (e.g., Black Friday) 3 points
Late arrival or early departure (more than 10 minutes) 0.5 points

Associates who accumulate 5 or more points within a six-month period may face disciplinary action, including coaching, written warnings, and even termination of employment (3). To avoid accruing points, it is crucial for associates to follow the proper procedures for reporting absences and providing the necessary documentation when required.

How to Report an Absence at Walmart

Walmart provides several methods for associates to report an absence:

1. Calling the Associate Information Line

The primary method for reporting an absence is by calling the Walmart Associate Information Line at 1-800-775-5944. When calling, associates will need to provide the following information:

  • Walmart Identification Number (WIN)
  • Date of birth
  • Store number
  • Reason for the absence (illness, injury, or personal emergency)

After providing this information, associates will receive a confirmation number, which they should keep for their records and provide to their store manager if requested.

2. Reporting an Absence Online

Associates can also report an absence through the OneWalmart employee portal by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the OneWalmart account
  2. Select the "Report an Absence" option
  3. Choose the appropriate absence type (illness, injury, or personal emergency)
  4. Provide the necessary details, including the dates of the absence and any relevant symptoms or circumstances

OneWalmart Employee Portal Screenshot

3. Contacting the Store Manager

In addition to using the official absence reporting methods, associates should contact their store manager directly, especially if calling in sick on short notice or during a busy period. This helps ensure that the manager is aware of the situation and can make any necessary arrangements to cover the absence.

The Importance of Associate Well-being in the Retail Industry

While it is essential for associates to follow the proper procedures for reporting absences, it is equally important for Walmart and other retailers to prioritize the well-being of their employees. A healthy and engaged workforce is crucial for providing excellent customer service, maintaining productivity, and driving business success.

Studies have shown that companies that invest in employee well-being experience numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism (working while sick)
  • Increased employee engagement and job satisfaction
  • Improved customer service and satisfaction
  • Higher productivity and profitability

A 2017 report by the Global Wellness Institute found that for every dollar invested in employee wellness programs, companies can expect an average return of $3.27 due to reduced healthcare costs and increased productivity (4).

Strategies for Promoting Associate Well-being

To support associate well-being and minimize the need for sick days, Walmart and other retailers can implement various strategies, such as:

  1. Offering comprehensive health benefits and wellness programs
  2. Providing paid sick leave and flexible scheduling options
  3. Encouraging open communication and support between associates, managers, and HR
  4. Promoting preventive health measures, such as flu vaccinations and regular check-ups
  5. Fostering a culture of self-care and work-life balance

By prioritizing associate well-being, Walmart can create a more supportive and understanding work environment, leading to increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and ultimately, better customer service and business outcomes.

Tips for Walmart Associates Calling in Sick

  1. Provide as much notice as possible: Whenever feasible, inform your store manager of your absence at least three hours before the start of your scheduled shift. This allows them to make necessary arrangements and minimizes the impact on your coworkers.

  2. Be clear and concise when reporting your absence: When calling the Associate Information Line or reporting your absence online, provide all the necessary information, including your WIN, date of birth, store number, and the specific reason for your absence.

  3. Keep your manager informed: If your absence is expected to last multiple days, keep your manager updated on your anticipated return date and any changes in your condition. This demonstrates your commitment to communication and transparency.

  4. Provide documentation when required: In some cases, such as extended absences or FMLA leave, you may be required to provide documentation from a healthcare provider. Ensure that you submit any necessary paperwork promptly to avoid potential complications.

  5. Take care of yourself: Remember that your health and well-being should always be a top priority. If you are feeling unwell, take the time to rest, recover, and seek medical attention when necessary. A healthy and engaged workforce is essential for providing excellent customer service and contributing to the success of your store.


Calling in sick at Walmart involves following specific procedures and understanding the company‘s absence policies to ensure that your absence is properly reported and documented. By providing prompt notification, clear communication, and necessary documentation, associates can minimize the impact of their absences on store operations and their own career growth.

However, the process of calling in sick is just one aspect of the broader conversation around employee well-being in the retail industry. Walmart and other retailers have a responsibility to prioritize the health and well-being of their associates, as it directly impacts customer service, productivity, and overall business success.

By fostering a supportive and understanding work environment, offering comprehensive benefits and wellness programs, and promoting self-care and work-life balance, Walmart can create a culture that values and nurtures its associates. Ultimately, this investment in employee well-being will lead to a more engaged, productive, and successful workforce, benefiting both associates and the company as a whole.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Workplace Health Promotion: Absenteeism.
  2. National Safety Council. (2018). The Real Cost of Absenteeism in the Workplace.
  3. Walmart. (2021). Walmart Attendance Policy.
  4. Global Wellness Institute. (2017). The Future of Wellness at Work.