How Much Does It Cost to Put a Dog to Sleep at PetSmart? An In-Depth Look

As a pet owner, one of the most difficult decisions you may face is deciding when it‘s time to say goodbye to your beloved companion. When a dog‘s quality of life has deteriorated, and its suffering outweighs its happiness, euthanasia may be the most compassionate choice. If you‘re considering this option, you might be wondering about the costs involved and where to go for this service. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at the cost of putting a dog to sleep at PetSmart, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Understanding PetSmart‘s Partnership with Banfield Pet Hospital

PetSmart has established a partnership with Banfield Pet Hospital to offer a wide range of veterinary services, including end-of-life care, at many of its locations throughout the United States. This collaboration ensures that pet owners have access to high-quality medical care for their furry friends at every stage of their lives.

When it comes to euthanasia, PetSmart and Banfield Pet Hospital work hand in hand to provide a compassionate and supportive environment for both pets and their owners. The staff at these locations are specially trained to handle end-of-life situations with empathy and professionalism, ensuring that your pet‘s final moments are as peaceful and comfortable as possible.

Breaking Down the Costs: Euthanasia, Cremation, and Burial

The cost of putting a dog to sleep at PetSmart can vary based on several factors, such as location, additional services requested, and the size of your pet. On average, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 for the euthanasia procedure itself. However, it‘s essential to understand that this base price typically only covers the cost of the euthanasia medication and the administration of the injection.

If you choose to have additional farewell arrangements, such as cremation or burial, you will incur extra fees. Let‘s take a closer look at these costs:

Cremation Costs

PetSmart offers cremation services through Banfield Pet Hospital. The cost of cremation can range from $80 to $200, depending on the size of your pet and whether you opt for private or communal cremation.

Cremation Type Description Average Cost
Private Your pet‘s ashes are returned to you in an urn for keepsake. $150 – $200
Communal Your pet is cremated with other animals, and the ashes are not returned to you. $80 – $150

Burial Costs

If you prefer to bury your pet, PetSmart can provide you with a burial box or casket. The cost of these items can range from $50 to $200, depending on the size and material of the container.

Burial Option Description Average Cost
Burial Box A simple, biodegradable container for your pet‘s remains. $50 – $100
Casket A more elaborate, decorative container for your pet‘s remains. $100 – $200

It‘s worth noting that some pet insurance plans may cover a portion of end-of-life expenses. If you have pet insurance, be sure to check with your provider to see if you have any coverage for these costs.

Factors That Influence the Cost of Euthanasia

While the base price for euthanasia at PetSmart is relatively consistent, there are several factors that can influence the final cost:

  1. Pet Size: Larger pets may require a higher dose of euthanasia medication, which can increase the cost of the procedure.

  2. Location: The cost of living and operating expenses can vary by location, which may impact the price of veterinary services, including euthanasia.

  3. Time of Day: Some clinics may charge a higher fee for after-hours or emergency euthanasia services.

  4. Additional Services: If you request any additional services, such as a clay paw print or a lock of your pet‘s hair, these items will add to the overall cost.

PetSmart vs. Other End-of-Life Care Options

When considering the cost of putting a dog to sleep, it‘s helpful to compare prices across different providers. While PetSmart‘s prices for euthanasia and farewell arrangements may seem high, they are often more affordable than other options, such as private veterinary clinics or specialized euthanasia services.

For example, private veterinary clinics can charge up to $300 for the euthanasia procedure alone, not including additional costs for cremation or burial. Specialized euthanasia services, which often come to your home, can be even more expensive, with prices ranging from $250 to $1,000 or more.

Provider Average Euthanasia Cost Additional Services
PetSmart (Banfield) $50 – $100 Cremation, burial, keepsakes
Private Veterinary Clinics $100 – $300 Cremation, burial, keepsakes
In-Home Euthanasia Services $250 – $1,000+ Cremation, keepsakes, grief support
Animal Shelters $50 – $150 Cremation, burial

While in-home euthanasia services may offer a more personalized and convenient experience, they come at a significantly higher cost. Animal shelters, on the other hand, may offer more affordable options, but they may not provide the same level of individualized care and support as PetSmart or private clinics.

Ultimately, the choice of where to have your pet euthanized will depend on your personal preferences, financial situation, and the level of support and comfort you and your pet require during this difficult time.

The Importance of Pre-Planning for End-of-Life Care

One of the best ways to alleviate financial and emotional stress during a pet‘s end-of-life journey is to pre-plan for their care. By setting aside funds and researching options in advance, you can make more informed decisions and ensure that you‘re prepared for any expenses that may arise.

Consider the following tips for pre-planning your pet‘s end-of-life care:

  1. Set up a pet savings account: Start setting aside money each month to cover potential end-of-life expenses, such as euthanasia, cremation, or burial costs.

  2. Research pet insurance options: Look into pet insurance plans that cover end-of-life care, and consider enrolling your pet while they‘re still young and healthy to secure the best rates.

  3. Discuss your preferences with family members: Make sure your family is aware of your wishes for your pet‘s end-of-life care, including your preferred euthanasia method and aftercare arrangements.

  4. Explore payment plans and financing options: Some veterinary clinics, including Banfield Pet Hospital at PetSmart, offer payment plans or financing options to help manage the cost of end-of-life services.

By taking a proactive approach to pre-planning, you can ensure that you‘re able to provide your pet with the best possible care during their final days, without the added stress of financial uncertainty.

Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Losing a pet is a deeply emotional experience, and it‘s important to prioritize self-care and seek support during the grieving process. PetSmart recognizes the profound impact of pet loss and offers resources to help pet owners cope during this challenging time.

Many PetSmart locations have partnerships with local pet loss support groups, which can provide a safe space to share your feelings and connect with others who have experienced similar losses. These groups often offer a variety of resources, such as:

  • Grief counseling
  • Memorial services
  • Online forums and chat rooms
  • Recommended reading lists

In addition to local support groups, there are numerous online resources available for grieving pet owners, including:

Remember, everyone grieves differently, and there is no right or wrong way to cope with the loss of a pet. Be patient with yourself, and don‘t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.


Deciding to put a dog to sleep is a heartbreaking choice, but when a pet‘s quality of life has deteriorated, it can be the most compassionate decision. PetSmart, in partnership with Banfield Pet Hospital, offers affordable and supportive end-of-life services at many of its locations across the country, providing pet owners with a safe and caring environment to say goodbye to their beloved companions.

The cost of putting a dog to sleep at PetSmart typically ranges from $50 to $100 for the euthanasia procedure itself, with additional fees for farewell arrangements such as cremation or burial. While these costs may seem high, they are often more affordable than other options, such as private veterinary clinics or specialized euthanasia services.

In addition to the financial considerations, PetSmart understands the emotional complexity of end-of-life decisions and is dedicated to providing compassionate care and support for both pets and their owners. From the moment you make the difficult choice to euthanize your pet, the staff at PetSmart will be there to offer comfort, guidance, and a peaceful environment to say your final goodbyes.

If you‘re struggling with the decision to put your dog to sleep, remember that you are not alone. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals for support, and take comfort in knowing that you are making the best choice for your beloved companion. By pre-planning for end-of-life care and seeking support during the grieving process, you can navigate this difficult journey with grace and compassion, honoring the special bond you shared with your pet.