The Ultimate Guide to Rabbit Grooming: Navigating PetSmart and Beyond

As a picky shopper and retail and consumer expert, I know firsthand the importance of finding the right grooming services for your beloved pet rabbit. With over 3 million pet rabbits in the United States, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), it‘s clear that these furry friends are increasingly popular companions. However, when it comes to grooming, many rabbit owners find themselves wondering, "Does PetSmart groom rabbits?" In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the world of rabbit grooming and provide you with all the information you need to keep your bunny looking and feeling their best.

Why Doesn‘t PetSmart Groom Rabbits?

PetSmart, a well-known pet retailer, offers grooming services for dogs and cats but does not currently extend these services to rabbits or other small animals. The primary reason for this is the specialized knowledge and experience required to safely groom rabbits, who have delicate skin and unique needs compared to other common pets.

Dr. Laura Fischetti, a veterinarian specializing in exotic pets, explains, "Rabbits have thin, sensitive skin that can easily be injured during grooming if the process is not carried out by someone with the proper training and expertise. Additionally, rabbits require specific techniques for nail trimming and ear cleaning that differ from those used for dogs and cats."

PetSmart‘s decision not to offer rabbit grooming services reflects their commitment to the safety and well-being of these delicate creatures. While their groomers are skilled in handling dogs and cats, they may not have the specialized training necessary to work with rabbits confidently.

The Importance of Regular Rabbit Grooming

Despite PetSmart‘s lack of rabbit grooming services, it‘s crucial for rabbit owners to understand the significance of regular grooming for their pet‘s health and happiness. A well-groomed rabbit not only looks and feels better but also enjoys numerous health benefits, such as:

  1. Preventing Skin Infections: Regular brushing helps remove loose fur and debris, reducing the risk of skin irritation and infections. This is especially important for long-haired rabbit breeds, such as Angora and Jersey Wooly, which are prone to matting and tangling.

  2. Maintaining Dental Health: Rabbits‘ teeth grow continuously throughout their lives. Proper grooming, including hay-based diets and chew toys, helps wear down their teeth naturally, preventing overgrowth and dental issues.

  3. Reducing Stress: Grooming sessions provide an opportunity for bonding and relaxation. Many rabbits enjoy being brushed and petted, which can help reduce stress and promote a sense of security.

Regular grooming also allows owners to monitor their rabbit‘s overall health more closely. During grooming sessions, you can check for any lumps, bumps, or signs of illness that may require veterinary attention.

Grooming Frequency Short-Haired Breeds Long-Haired Breeds
Brushing 1-2 times per week Daily
Nail Trimming Every 4-6 weeks Every 4-6 weeks
Ear Cleaning Monthly Monthly
Sanitary Trimming As needed As needed

Table 1: Recommended grooming frequencies for short-haired and long-haired rabbit breeds.

Finding the Right Rabbit Groomer

While PetSmart may not be an option for rabbit grooming, there are still plenty of alternatives available. When searching for a rabbit groomer, consider the following options:

  1. Specialized Pet Groomers: Some groomers have undergone additional training to work with exotic pets, including rabbits. These professionals understand the unique needs of rabbits and can provide safe, gentle grooming services.

  2. Veterinary Clinics: Many veterinary clinics offer grooming services alongside medical care. The staff at these clinics are well-versed in rabbit anatomy and can identify potential health concerns during the grooming process.

  3. In-Home Grooming Services: Mobile groomers offer the convenience of coming directly to your home to groom your rabbit. This can be especially beneficial for rabbits who experience anxiety in unfamiliar surroundings.

When choosing a rabbit groomer, be sure to ask about their experience working with rabbits, the specific services they offer, and their grooming methods. Red flags to watch out for include a lack of experience with rabbits, the use of unsafe practices or equipment, and a reluctance to answer your questions or address concerns.

Rabbit Grooming Tools and Techniques

Whether you opt for professional grooming services or take on some grooming tasks at home, it‘s essential to use the right tools and techniques to ensure your rabbit‘s comfort and safety. Here‘s a breakdown of the essential grooming tools and how to use them:

  1. Brushes and Combs: Use a soft-bristled brush or a grooming glove designed for small animals to remove loose fur and prevent matting. For long-haired breeds, a wide-toothed comb can help work through tangles gently.

  2. Nail Trimmers: Rabbit nail trimmers come in various styles, including scissor-type and guillotine-style clippers. When trimming your rabbit‘s nails, be careful not to cut too close to the quick (the blood vessel inside the nail). If you‘re unsure, ask your veterinarian or groomer for guidance.

  3. Ear Cleaner: Use a specialized ear cleaning solution and cotton swabs to gently remove wax and debris from your rabbit‘s ears. Avoid using water or inserting anything deep into the ear canal, as this can cause injury or infection.

"When grooming your rabbit at home, it‘s important to create a calm, positive environment. Offer treats and praise throughout the process, and take breaks if your rabbit becomes stressed or agitated. If you‘re ever unsure about how to proceed with a grooming task, don‘t hesitate to seek guidance from a professional." – Jane Simmons, Certified Rabbit Groomer

The Cost of Rabbit Grooming

The cost of professional rabbit grooming varies depending on factors such as your location, the groomer‘s experience, and your rabbit‘s breed and coat condition. On average, expect to pay between $40 and $60 for a full grooming session at a specialized groomer or veterinary clinic.

In-home grooming services may be slightly more expensive, ranging from $50 to $100, to account for travel time and convenience. However, many rabbit owners find the added cost worthwhile for the stress-free experience it provides their pets.

Grooming Option Average Cost Range
Specialized Groomers $40 – $60
Veterinary Clinics $40 – $60
In-Home Services $50 – $100

Table 2: Average cost ranges for professional rabbit grooming services.

It‘s important to note that while professional grooming can be beneficial, it‘s not a substitute for regular at-home grooming and care. By maintaining a consistent grooming routine between appointments, you can keep your rabbit healthy, comfortable, and looking their best.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I get my rabbit professionally groomed?
    The frequency of professional grooming depends on your rabbit‘s breed, coat type, and individual needs. Generally, long-haired breeds may benefit from professional grooming every 4-6 weeks, while short-haired rabbits may only need professional services a few times a year. Consult with your veterinarian or groomer to determine the best schedule for your rabbit.

  2. Can I trim my rabbit‘s nails at home?
    Yes, you can trim your rabbit‘s nails at home with the proper tools and techniques. However, if you‘re unsure or uncomfortable with the process, it‘s best to seek guidance from a professional groomer or veterinarian to avoid causing injury or distress to your pet.

  3. What signs indicate that my rabbit needs grooming?
    Some signs that your rabbit may need grooming include:

    • Matted or tangled fur
    • Overgrown nails
    • Excessive shedding
    • Visible dirt or debris in the coat
    • Odor or signs of skin irritation
  4. How can I make grooming less stressful for my rabbit?
    To make grooming a more positive experience for your rabbit, try the following tips:

    • Start grooming sessions early in your rabbit‘s life to help them become accustomed to the process
    • Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, throughout the grooming session
    • Take breaks if your rabbit becomes agitated or stressed
    • Create a calm, quiet environment for grooming
    • Be gentle and patient, and never force your rabbit to submit to grooming if they are resistant
  5. Are there any health risks associated with improper rabbit grooming?
    Improper grooming techniques can lead to various health risks for rabbits, including:

    • Skin irritation or infections from matted fur or debris
    • Pain or injury from overgrown nails
    • Ear infections from improper cleaning
    • Stress or anxiety from rough handling or prolonged grooming sessions

By understanding proper grooming techniques and seeking guidance from professionals when needed, you can help minimize these risks and keep your rabbit healthy and comfortable.


While PetSmart may not offer rabbit grooming services, there are still numerous options available for keeping your bunny well-groomed and healthy. Whether you choose a specialized groomer, a veterinary clinic, or an in-home service, regular grooming is essential for your rabbit‘s well-being.

Remember, you can also take on many grooming tasks at home, such as regular brushing and nail trimming. By creating a positive, gentle grooming experience and maintaining a consistent routine, you‘ll strengthen your bond with your furry friend and ensure they stay happy and healthy for years to come.

As a picky shopper and retail and consumer expert, I encourage all rabbit owners to do their research, ask questions, and prioritize their pet‘s safety and comfort when selecting grooming services. With the right knowledge and care, you can help your rabbit look and feel their best, even without PetSmart‘s assistance.