Kohl‘s Drug Testing Policy: A Comprehensive Guide for Applicants and Employees

If you‘re considering applying for a job at Kohl‘s or already work for the popular retail chain, you may have questions about their drug testing policy. Does Kohl‘s drug test all employees? What kind of tests do they use? What happens if you fail?

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll answer all your questions and more. We‘ll provide expert insight into Kohl‘s drug testing program, including when and how they test, what substances they look for, and the potential consequences of a positive result.

Whether you‘re a job seeker or a current employee, it‘s important to understand your employer‘s drug testing rules and your rights. Armed with this knowledge, you can protect your job, your privacy, and your well-being.

How Common is Drug Testing at Kohl‘s?

First, let‘s look at some key data on how Kohl‘s applies its drug testing policy across its 1,100+ stores nationwide:

  • Approximately 60% of Kohl‘s locations conduct pre-employment drug screening for at least some positions, according to a survey of Kohl‘s employees.
  • The positions most likely to require drug testing are those in loss prevention, warehouse/distribution, and management. Cashiers and sales associates are less frequently tested.
  • Kohl‘s spends an estimated $2-3 million per year on drug testing, based on industry benchmarks for a company of its size.
  • Post-hire drug testing (random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident) affects an estimated 5-10% of Kohl‘s 100,000+ employees each year.

So while not all Kohl‘s employees are subject to drug testing, it‘s a significant part of the company‘s hiring and HR operations. If you‘re applying for a role that involves safety risks or handling money, expect to be drug tested at some point.

Kohl‘s Drug Testing Methods and Procedures

When Kohl‘s does require drug testing, what does the process actually entail? Here‘s a breakdown of the most common methods and procedures:

Pre-Employment Testing

  • Kohl‘s typically outsources pre-employment drug screening to third-party testing facilities like Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp. You‘ll be given instructions on where and when to report for your test after a conditional offer is made.
  • The most common pre-hire test is a 5-panel urine drug screen, which checks for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and PCP. However, some Kohl‘s locations use more extensive 10-panel or 12-panel tests that can detect additional substances.
  • Applicants usually have 24-48 hours to complete the drug test after receiving the offer. Failure to show up for the test is treated the same as a positive result.

Random Testing

  • Kohl‘s has the legal right to drug test employees randomly in most states, but it‘s not a common practice. If random testing does occur, employees are typically selected by an outside service and given short notice to report for testing.
  • Random drug tests are more common in roles that involve operating heavy equipment, driving, or security. They may also be used as a condition of employment after a prior failed drug test.

Reasonable Suspicion and Post-Accident Testing

  • If a Kohl‘s manager or HR representative has reason to believe an employee is under the influence of drugs or alcohol at work, they can order a reasonable suspicion drug test. This could be based on physical signs of impairment, erratic behavior, or a tip from a coworker.
  • Employees may also be drug tested after a workplace accident, especially if it caused injuries or property damage. Post-accident testing helps determine if drug use was a contributing factor.
  • Reasonable suspicion and post-accident tests are usually done with a rapid screening method like a saliva swab, followed by a confirmatory lab test if needed.

Substances Detected in Kohl‘s Drug Tests

The specific drugs screened in Kohl‘s drug tests can vary by location and position, but the most common panels check for the following:

  • Marijuana (THC): Urine tests can detect marijuana use for up to 30 days in heavy users. Some states now prohibit employers from discriminating against employees who use medical or recreational marijuana off-duty, so check your local laws.
  • Cocaine: Cocaine and its metabolites can be detected in urine for 2-3 days after use.
  • Amphetamines: This group includes drugs like Adderall, methamphetamine, and MDMA (ecstasy). They can be detected in urine for 1-4 days depending on the substance and frequency of use.
  • Opiates: Opioid painkillers like morphine, codeine, and heroin can be detected in urine for 2-5 days. If you have a valid prescription for a narcotic medication, you may need to disclose this to the testing lab.
  • Phencyclidine (PCP): PCP is an illegal hallucinogenic drug that can be detected in urine for up to 14 days.

Some Kohl‘s stores may use expanded testing panels that screen for additional drugs like barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methadone, and propoxyphene. If you‘re unsure what substances will be tested, you can ask the HR representative coordinating your screening.

Consequences of Failing a Drug Test at Kohl‘s

So what actually happens if you fail a pre-employment or post-hire drug test at Kohl‘s? The consequences depend on your employment status:

Job Applicants

In most cases, a positive drug test will automatically disqualify you from getting hired at Kohl‘s. The job offer will be rescinded, and you‘ll be notified that you failed the drug screening.

Some Kohl‘s locations may allow applicants to reapply after a certain period (usually 6-12 months) if they can pass a new drug test. However, this is at the discretion of the hiring manager.

Current Employees

The disciplinary action for a current Kohl‘s employee who fails a drug test ranges from a warning to immediate termination, depending on the circumstances:

  • For a first-time offense on a random test, you may be given a second chance if you have a good performance record. This typically involves a "last chance agreement" where you must complete drug counseling and agree to ongoing testing.
  • A positive result on a reasonable suspicion or post-accident test is more likely to result in termination, especially if there was an injury or safety incident involved. Kohl‘s has a strict policy against being under the influence at work.
  • If you fail a follow-up test after a prior warning, you will almost certainly be let go. Kohl‘s progressive discipline policy has little tolerance for repeat drug offenses.

It‘s important to note that Kohl‘s is an at-will employer, meaning they can terminate employees for any legal reason, including refusing to take a drug test. If you have an employment contract or union agreement, you may have additional protections.

Kohl‘s Drug Testing Policy vs. Other Retailers

How does Kohl‘s approach to drug testing compare to other leading retail chains? Here‘s a quick overview:

  • Walmart: The nation‘s largest private employer has a similar policy to Kohl‘s, with pre-employment drug screening for certain positions and reasonable suspicion testing. However, Walmart has faced more legal challenges to its drug testing practices.
  • Target: Target conducts pre-employment drug tests for some roles, but not as extensively as Kohl‘s. Random testing is less common.
  • Macy‘s: Macy‘s requires pre-employment drug tests for most positions and may also conduct random or reasonable suspicion testing. The company has a stricter zero-tolerance policy for failed tests.
  • Amazon: Amazon does not drug test most warehouse or delivery workers but does screen for safety-sensitive roles. The company recently announced it would stop drug testing for marijuana use and support legalization efforts.

Overall, Kohl‘s drug testing policy is fairly standard for the retail industry, with a focus on pre-employment screening and for-cause testing. However, some employers are starting to reevaluate their drug testing practices in light of changing marijuana laws and labor market conditions.

The Pros and Cons of Workplace Drug Testing

From a retail industry and consumer perspective, workplace drug testing is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides. Here are some of the key advantages and disadvantages:


  • Promotes a safe, productive work environment for employees and customers
  • Reduces accidents, absenteeism, and turnover related to substance abuse
  • Protects the company from liability and legal risks
  • Sends a message that drug use is not tolerated or enabling
  • Helps employees with substance abuse problems get treatment


  • Invades employee privacy and can feel demeaning or accusatory
  • Has a disproportionate impact on lower-income and minority workers
  • Detects past drug use that may not affect current job performance
  • Does not always provide due process for positive test results
  • Costs the company time and money to administer
  • Can result in qualified applicants or employees being unfairly excluded

Ultimately, companies like Kohl‘s must weigh these factors and decide on a drug testing approach that aligns with their values, culture, and business needs. A well-designed policy can promote safety and accountability while still respecting employee rights.

Employee Resources and Support for Substance Abuse

If you or a colleague is struggling with substance abuse, it‘s important to know that there are resources and support services available, even if you have failed a drug test at work:

  • Kohl‘s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers free, confidential counseling and referrals for substance abuse and other personal issues. You can access the EAP hotline 24/7 at (800) 952-3586.
  • Many health insurance plans cover substance abuse treatment, including inpatient and outpatient rehab programs. Check your plan documents or contact your insurance provider for details.
  • Community-based organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and SMART Recovery offer free support groups and resources for those in recovery.
  • Online resources like 12step-online.com, intherooms.com, and selfhelpworks.com provide virtual support and education for overcoming drug and alcohol addiction.
  • If you need help finding treatment options or navigating the system, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP.

Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Addiction is a disease that requires professional treatment and ongoing support to overcome. By reaching out and taking advantage of these resources, you can get your life and career back on track.

Key Takeaways

To recap, here are the key points to remember about Kohl‘s drug testing policy and workplace drug testing in general:

  1. Kohl‘s conducts pre-employment drug screening for certain positions and may also require reasonable suspicion, post-accident, or random drug testing of employees.
  2. Common drug testing methods include urine tests, saliva swabs, and hair follicle tests, which can detect substance use from a few days to a few months prior.
  3. Failing a drug test as an applicant will typically disqualify you from the hiring process, while consequences for current employees range from a warning to termination.
  4. Workplace drug testing has both benefits and drawbacks from an industry and employee perspective, and policies vary among major retailers.
  5. Employees struggling with substance abuse can access support through EAP programs, treatment providers, and community organizations.

Navigating the issue of workplace drug testing can be stressful and confusing, but by staying informed and proactive, you can make the best decisions for your health and your career. If you have any questions or concerns about Kohl‘s drug testing policy, don‘t hesitate to reach out to your HR representative for guidance.

With the right knowledge and resources, you can maintain a safe, productive work environment while also prioritizing your well-being and future success.