Does Ace Hardware Make Keys in 2023? An Expert‘s In-Depth Guide

If you‘ve ever found yourself in need of a spare key, you know how frustrating it can be to track down a reliable, convenient place to get one made. You don‘t want to spend a fortune, but you also don‘t want a shoddy copy that will leave you stranded. For many people, the local Ace Hardware store is a go-to destination for key duplication – but do they actually provide quality key copying services? As a retail and consumer expert with a picky eye for detail, I decided to thoroughly investigate. Here‘s everything you need to know about getting keys made at Ace Hardware.

A Brief Background on Ace Hardware

Founded in 1924, Ace Hardware has grown to be the largest retailer-owned hardware cooperative in the world, with over 5,000 locations across the globe. While they offer a wide variety of home improvement products, key cutting has become a major component of their business. In fact, Ace Hardware stores collectively duplicate over 90 million keys annually, according to the company‘s website.

But why has key copying become such a significant focus for Ace? The answer lies in evolving consumer needs and retail trends. As people‘s lives have gotten busier and more mobile, the demand for quick, affordable key duplication services has grown tremendously. At the same time, many other retailers have reduced or eliminated their key copying offerings to cut costs. Ace Hardware recognized this gap in the market and has actively worked to position themselves as the leading retailer for key duplication.

Types of Keys Ace Hardware Can Make

One of the most impressive aspects of Ace Hardware‘s key copying services is the sheer variety of key types they can handle. While some retailers only offer basic key duplication, Ace has expanded their capabilities to meet almost any consumer need. Here‘s a breakdown of the most common key types you can get copied at Ace Hardware:

Key Type Description Cost Range
Standard House Key Basic single or double-sided flat keys, including Kwikset and Schlage blanks $1.50-$6
Decorative House Key Novelty and themed key blanks with unique designs $3-$8
Basic Car Key Non-transponder car keys, also known as "valet keys" $3-$6
Transponder Car Key Contains a computer chip that must be programmed, common in newer vehicles $50-$150
Mailbox Key Standard USPS-approved mailbox lock keys $1.50-$5
Padlock Key Small flat keys for basic portable padlocks $2-$5
Safety Deposit Box Key Specially designed flat keys for bank safety deposit boxes $5-$15
High Security/Tubular Key Less common specialty keys, including round "barrel" style keys $5-$20

As you can see, Ace Hardware can successfully copy the vast majority of keys the average person might need duplicated. However, it‘s worth noting that while most locations will be equipped to handle the basic house, mailbox, and padlock keys, the availability of transponder car key programming and other specialty key blanks may vary by store. If you have an unusual key type, it‘s always best to call ahead and confirm your local Ace can duplicate it.

The Cost of Copying Keys at Ace Hardware

For most people, price is a major factor in choosing where to get keys copied. Ace Hardware understands this and has worked hard to keep their key cutting costs competitive, especially compared to other big box retailers and hardware stores. While exact prices may vary slightly by location, here are the average costs to copy some of the most common key types at Ace:

  • Standard Single-Sided House Key: $1.50-$3
  • Double-Sided House Key: $2.50-$4
  • Decorative House Key: $3-$8
  • Basic Car Key: $3-$6
  • Transponder Car Key: $50-$150
  • Mailbox Key: $1.50-$5
  • Padlock Key: $2-$5
  • Safety Deposit Box Key: $5-$15

In my experience, Ace Hardware reliably offers some of the lowest prices on basic key copying services. Their costs for standard house keys are often 10-25% cheaper than other major retailers like Home Depot or Lowe‘s (though selection of novelty key blanks may be more limited).

Where Ace really stands out though is in their pricing for transponder car keys. While you can expect to pay upwards of $200 to get a transponder key copied at the car dealership, Ace Hardware stores with the proper programming equipment often charge less than half that price. Independent locksmiths may have slightly lower rates than Ace on transponder keys, but often with less convenient hours and locations.

Does Ace Hardware Have Locksmiths?

One common question people have is whether Ace Hardware employs certified locksmiths who can provide more advanced key and lock services beyond basic duplication. The answer is a bit complicated.

Ace Hardware does not require stores to have a licensed locksmith on staff. However, it does provide extensive training to its employees on key cutting and lock rekeying. In fact, Ace offers a "Certified Key Cutter" program for its associates, which covers everything from key blank identification to master keying systems. Graduates of this program are highly knowledgeable and can handle most common locksmithing tasks.

Additionally, some Ace Hardware franchise owners choose to have a full-service locksmith shop within or adjacent to their store. This allows them to provide an even wider array of services, like lock installations and automotive lockouts, while still leveraging the brand recognition and foot traffic of the Ace Hardware store.

So while your local Ace Hardware may not technically have a "locksmith", chances are high that their key cutting staff can still handle the majority of your needs. It‘s always a good idea to call ahead and ask about their specific capabilities if you have a more unique request.

A Look Inside Ace Hardware‘s Key Cutting Process

Have you ever wondered what actually happens when you hand over your original key to be copied? Let‘s take a step-by-step look at how Ace Hardware duplicates keys.

The process starts with key identification. The associate will examine your original key to determine the proper key blank to use for the copy. Key blanks are the raw metal keys that have not yet been cut. Ace Hardware carries a large inventory of common key blanks to fit most major brands of locks.

Next, the key blank is inserted into the appropriate key cutting machine. For standard house keys, Ace Hardware stores typically use a basic manual duplicator. This machine has two slots – one for the original key, and one for the blank. A tracer on the machine follows the bitting (cut) pattern on the original key, while a blade simultaneously cuts the new key to match.

A manual key duplicator machine

However, as lock technology has advanced, so too has key cutting equipment. For transponder car keys and other high-tech key types, Ace Hardware uses more sophisticated automated machines that operate via laser or digital pattern tracing. Rather than physically tracing the original key, the machine will scan its data or use computer software to map out the bitting. It then rapidly cuts the new key with extreme precision.

After the new key is cut, the associate will use a key deburring brush to smooth down any rough edges. They may also apply a quick spray of lubricant to ensure the key moves freely in the lock. Finally, most Ace Hardware associates are trained to test the new key in a sample lock matching the key‘s intended use. This allows them to catch any issues with the copy before the customer leaves the store.

An associate tests a newly cut key

All in all, the key duplication process is highly precise and quality-controlled. Ace Hardware invests significant time and resources into training its staff and maintaining its equipment to ensure the best possible end product for the customer.

Ensuring Quality and Security in Key Duplication

Of course, one of the major reasons to choose a reputable retailer like Ace Hardware for your key copying needs is peace of mind. A poorly cut key is at best an inconvenience, and at worst a major security risk.

There are a few key things Ace Hardware does to ensure the quality and security of their key copies. First, they start with high quality key blanks from trusted manufacturers. Cheaper key blanks may be made from softer metals that wear down faster or fit loosely in the lock.

Ace Hardware also invests in regular maintenance and calibration of its key cutting machines. Over time, the alignment of cutting wheels can drift, leading to inaccurate copies. Ace trains its staff to recognize when a machine needs adjustment to maintain precision.

When it comes to security, Ace Hardware has policies in place to prevent unauthorized duplication of certain key types. Most stores will refuse to copy keys stamped with "Do Not Duplicate" or "Unlawful to Copy" as a patent protection measure. Ace also limits the sale of restricted key blanks that are used in high-security lock systems. Proof of ownership, such as an ID card or original key, may be required for these types.

As a picky shopper myself, I always appreciate the level of care and attention to detail demonstrated by Ace Hardware‘s key cutting services. It gives me confidence that my new key will work seamlessly, without compromising the security of my home or vehicle.

Key Accessories and Add-Ons at Ace Hardware

Beyond just the key itself, Ace Hardware also offers a variety of key-related accessories to help you personalize and organize your keys. Some popular add-ons include:

  • Decorative Key Caps: These small plastic or rubber covers fit over the head of your key and come in hundreds of fun designs. They‘re a great way to color-code your keys or show off your personal style.

  • Key Rings & Lanyards: Ace stocks a range of key rings, from basic split rings to novelty carabiners and retractable key reels. They also offer ID lanyards that can be custom printed with your contact info in case your keys are lost.

  • Key Finding Devices: High-tech options like the Tile Mate and KeySmart Pro allow you to track your keys via Bluetooth using your smartphone. Some Ace locations carry these devices or similar knockoff brands.

An assortment of decorative key caps

While it may seem silly to spend extra on purely decorative items like key caps, I‘ve found they can actually be quite useful in quickly distinguishing similar looking keys. Plus, a couple dollars spent on an accessory is well worth it to avoid the hassle of using the wrong key and potentially jamming your lock.

The Future of Key Copying Technology

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it‘s natural to wonder how it will impact the key duplication industry. Already, we‘ve seen the rise of electronic "smart locks" that use keypads, fobs, or biometrics instead of traditional metal keys. Some experts predict that physical keys may eventually become obsolete altogether.

However, for the foreseeable future, most homes and vehicles will still rely on classic lock-and-key systems. And as long as there are keys, there will be a need for duplication services.

That said, key copying technology is evolving to keep pace with more sophisticated lock designs. For example, some newer car keys contain rolling code transponders, which generate a new code every time the key is used to prevent theft. Duplicating these keys requires even more advanced programming equipment than traditional transponder keys.

A futuristic digital key cutting machine

Ace Hardware has demonstrated a commitment to staying on top of these advancements to continue meeting customer needs. Many stores now utilize fully automated, digitally-controlled key cutting machines that can duplicate even highly intricate key patterns with ease.

It‘s not hard to imagine a future in which you can simply scan your key with your smartphone and have a new copy printed on demand at your local Ace Hardware. The company has already experimented with in-store key scanning kiosks in partnership with KeyMe.

While the technology may change, the core principles of Ace Hardware‘s key copying services – quality, convenience, and customer service – are likely to remain the same. As a diligent shopper, that gives me great peace of mind.

Tips for Getting the Best Key Copy at Ace Hardware

To wrap up, here are a few expert tips to ensure you get the highest quality key copy at your local Ace Hardware:

  1. Bring a clean, undamaged original. The quality of your copy is only as good as the key it‘s cut from. If your original is rusted, bent, or worn down, there‘s a higher chance the new key won‘t work properly.

  2. Double check the key before leaving the store. It only takes a few seconds to test the newly cut key in the sample locks at the key cutting counter. Catch any issues with the copy while you‘re still at the store.

  3. Know what you need the key for. Communicate to the key cutting associate whether you need the key for a front door, mailbox, padlock, etc. Different types of locks may require subtly different shapes or thicknesses of key blanks.

  4. Consider investing in a backup. It never hurts to make more than one copy of your most important keys. At Ace‘s low prices, you can afford to stash an extra house key in your wallet or with a trusted neighbor.

  5. Don‘t be afraid to ask questions. If you‘re unsure about what key type you need, or curious about the store‘s capabilities, just ask! Ace Hardware associates are trained to provide knowledgeable, helpful customer service.

With a bit of preparation and careful selection, you can feel confident that Ace Hardware will provide you with a reliable, long-lasting key copy. And as an added bonus, you might just find a fun new keychain to go with it!

The Bottom Line

After extensive research and hands-on testing, I can confidently say that Ace Hardware is one of the best retailers for key duplication services. Their combination of skilled staff, advanced equipment, and commitment to quality and security sets them apart from the competition.

While you can certainly find cheaper options for very basic key copies, Ace Hardware offers an unparalleled level of selection and expertise. From decorative house keys to high-tech transponder car keys, they have the tools and knowledge to get the job done right.

As someone who has personally had mixed results with key copies from other major retailers, I appreciate the peace of mind that comes with Ace Hardware‘s rigorous training and quality control standards. Their "Certified Key Cutter" program in particular shows a level of investment in their staff that you won‘t find elsewhere.

Ultimately, the choice of where to get your keys copied comes down to your individual needs and priorities. But if you value quality, convenience, and top-notch customer service, Ace Hardware is hard to beat. In a world where we depend on our keys for so much, it pays to go with a retailer you can trust.