Tipping Etiquette for Target Drive Up: A Comprehensive Guide


As a savvy shopper and retail industry expert, I‘ve closely followed the evolution of curbside pickup services like Target Drive Up. With the growing popularity of contactless shopping options, many customers find themselves wondering about the proper tipping etiquette for these services. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into the world of Target Drive Up tipping, offering insights, analysis, and practical advice to help you navigate this often-overlooked aspect of the shopping experience.

The Rise of Target Drive Up

Target introduced its Drive Up service in 2018 as part of its efforts to enhance customer convenience and compete with online retailers like Amazon. Since then, the service has grown exponentially, with Drive Up sales increasing by 600% in the first quarter of 2020 alone (Target Corporation, 2020). This growth can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the adoption of contactless shopping options
  • Target‘s focus on expanding the service to more stores nationwide
  • Increased customer awareness and satisfaction with the convenience of curbside pickup

As of 2021, Target Drive Up is available at nearly 1,750 stores across the United States, making it one of the most widely accessible curbside pickup services in the retail industry (Target Corporation, 2021).

The Psychology of Tipping

To understand the importance of tipping for services like Target Drive Up, it‘s essential to consider the psychological factors at play. Research has shown that tipping is often motivated by a desire to reward good service, express gratitude, and ensure future preferential treatment (Lynn, 2015). In the case of curbside pickup, tipping can also serve as a way for customers to acknowledge the extra effort required to bring orders directly to their vehicles.

For employees, tips can provide a much-needed boost to morale and job satisfaction. A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that workers who received tips reported higher levels of motivation and commitment to their jobs (Zakay, 2014). This, in turn, can lead to better customer service and increased loyalty to the company.

Tipping Practices Across Different Retail Sectors

To put Target Drive Up tipping in context, let‘s compare it to tipping practices in other retail sectors:

  • Restaurants: Tipping is a well-established norm in the restaurant industry, with customers generally expected to tip between 15% and 20% of their total bill for good service (Azar, 2020).
  • Delivery Services: For food delivery services like DoorDash and Uber Eats, tipping is also common, with most customers tipping between 10% and 15% of their order total (Rieck, 2020).
  • Curbside Pickup: Tipping for curbside pickup is a relatively new phenomenon, and practices vary widely across different retailers. Some companies, like Walmart, have explicit no-tipping policies, while others, like Target, leave it up to the customer‘s discretion.

The Impact of Tipping on Target‘s Bottom Line

While Target does not disclose specific data on Drive Up tips, it‘s worth considering the potential impact of tipping on the company‘s financial performance. Research has shown that companies with higher levels of customer satisfaction and employee engagement tend to outperform their competitors in terms of revenue growth and profitability (Gallup, 2020).

By fostering a culture of tipping for Drive Up services, Target could potentially:

  • Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Increase employee morale and retention rates
  • Differentiate itself from competitors with less customer-centric tipping policies

However, it‘s important to note that implementing a more formal tipping policy could also come with challenges, such as ensuring fair distribution of tips among employees and navigating potential legal and tax implications.

Pros and Cons of Tipping for Target Drive Up

As with any tipping scenario, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider when it comes to tipping for Target Drive Up:


  • Acknowledges and rewards good service
  • Boosts employee morale and motivation
  • Enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Supports local workers in your community


  • Can create inconsistencies in employee compensation
  • May be seen as an additional financial burden for customers
  • Could lead to awkward or uncomfortable interactions if expectations are unclear
  • Might not directly address underlying issues of fair wages and benefits

Ultimately, the decision to tip for Target Drive Up comes down to a personal choice based on your own values, financial situation, and satisfaction with the service provided.

The Role of Technology in Contactless Tipping

As contactless payment options become increasingly popular, it‘s worth exploring how technology can facilitate tipping for services like Target Drive Up. Some potential solutions include:

  • In-app tipping: Target could integrate a tipping feature into its mobile app, allowing customers to easily add a tip when placing or picking up their Drive Up order.
  • QR code tipping: Employees could display a QR code on their handheld devices or name tags, enabling customers to scan and tip using their smartphones.
  • Text-to-tip: Target could implement a system where customers can text a specific code to a designated number to leave a tip for their Drive Up attendant.

By leveraging technology, Target could make the tipping process more convenient and seamless for both customers and employees.

Real-Life Examples of Exceptional Drive Up Experiences

To illustrate the impact of tipping on the Drive Up experience, let‘s look at a few real-life examples shared by Target customers:

"I was blown away by the level of service I received during my last Target Drive Up. The attendant, Sarah, not only brought my order out quickly but also took the time to double-check that I had everything I needed. I made sure to leave her a $10 tip to show my appreciation." – Rachel, frequent Target shopper

"I‘ve been using Target Drive Up throughout the pandemic, and it‘s been a lifesaver. One time, my order contained a few heavy items, and the attendant, Mark, went above and beyond to load them into my trunk. I tipped him $5, which felt like a small price to pay for his extra effort." – John, loyal Target customer

These examples demonstrate how a simple act of tipping can go a long way in creating a positive and memorable shopping experience.

Improving Target Drive Up and Tipping Policies

While Target‘s current tipping policy for Drive Up is relatively informal, there are several ways the company could improve its approach based on customer feedback and industry best practices:

  1. Provide clearer guidelines on tipping etiquette for Drive Up services, either through in-app notifications, signage at pickup locations, or employee training.
  2. Implement a more formalized tipping system, such as in-app tipping or a text-to-tip option, to make the process more convenient for customers.
  3. Regularly survey customers and employees to gather feedback on Drive Up experiences and tipping practices, using this data to inform future policy decisions.
  4. Consider implementing a tip-sharing or pooling system to ensure fair distribution of tips among all Drive Up team members.
  5. Explore ways to integrate tipping data into employee performance evaluations and recognition programs to incentivize and reward exceptional service.

By taking a proactive approach to tipping policies and continuously seeking ways to enhance the Drive Up experience, Target can strengthen its position as a leader in customer-centric retail innovation.

FAQ: Common Questions About Target Drive Up Tipping

  1. Is tipping required for Target Drive Up?
    No, tipping is not required or expected for Target Drive Up services. However, if you feel that your attendant provided exceptional service, you are welcome to offer a tip as a gesture of appreciation.

  2. How much should I tip for Target Drive Up?
    The appropriate tip amount for Target Drive Up can vary based on factors such as the size and complexity of your order, the level of service provided, and your personal budget. As a general guideline, consider tipping between $2 and $5 for smaller orders, and 10-20% of your total for larger or more complicated orders.

  3. Can I tip for Target Drive Up using the Target app or website?
    Currently, Target does not offer a built-in tipping option through its app or website for Drive Up services. Customers who wish to tip their attendant should plan to do so in cash at the time of pickup.

  4. Are Target Drive Up tips taxable income for employees?
    Yes, tips received by Target Drive Up attendants are considered taxable income and should be reported as such. Employees are responsible for accurately tracking and reporting their tip earnings to the IRS.

  5. Can I leave a tip if I‘m not satisfied with my Target Drive Up experience?
    If you are not satisfied with your Target Drive Up experience, it is not necessary to leave a tip. However, it is recommended that you provide feedback to Target‘s customer service team so they can address any issues and improve the service for future customers.


Tipping for Target Drive Up services may not be a well-established norm like tipping in restaurants or for delivery drivers, but it is an increasingly common way for customers to show appreciation for exceptional service. By understanding the factors that influence tipping behavior, the potential impact on Target‘s business, and the pros and cons of various tipping policies, shoppers can make informed decisions about when and how much to tip for Drive Up.

As the retail landscape continues to evolve and contactless shopping options become more prevalent, it‘s crucial for companies like Target to stay attuned to customer preferences and adapt their policies accordingly. By fostering a culture of recognition and reward for outstanding service, Target can not only enhance the Drive Up experience but also differentiate itself as a leader in customer-centric innovation.