The Essential Guide to Calling in Sick at Amazon: Policy, Procedure, and Pitfalls

As one of the world‘s largest employers, Amazon has established a comprehensive sick leave policy to manage employee absences. However, navigating this policy can be challenging, especially for those new to the company. In this guide, we‘ll delve into the details of Amazon‘s sick leave policy, the process for calling in sick, and the potential consequences of mismanaging your allotted time off.

Understanding Amazon‘s Sick Leave Policy

According to Amazon‘s employee handbook, workers are granted 20 hours of unpaid sick leave every three months, totaling 80 hours per year. This time off is meticulously tracked using Amazon‘s employee point system, which monitors infractions such as exceeding allotted sick time, dress code violations, and other policy breaches.

It‘s worth noting that Amazon‘s sick leave policy has undergone changes in recent years. Previously, the company offered unlimited call-in and sick days, but this policy was discontinued in favor of the current 80-hour annual limit. As an Amazon employee, it‘s crucial to stay informed about any policy updates to ensure compliance.

Comparing Amazon‘s Sick Leave Policy to Industry Competitors

To better understand how Amazon‘s sick leave policy stacks up against other major players in the retail and tech industries, let‘s examine the following data:

Company Sick Leave Hours (per year) Paid/Unpaid Point System
Amazon 80 Unpaid Yes
Walmart 48 Paid No
Target 80 Paid No
Apple 80 Paid No
Google Unlimited Paid No

As the table shows, Amazon‘s sick leave policy is less generous than some of its competitors, particularly in terms of offering paid sick leave. While Amazon provides the same number of sick hours as Target and Apple, both of those companies offer paid leave, which can be a significant financial benefit for employees.

Furthermore, Amazon‘s use of a point system to track infractions related to sick leave sets it apart from other companies on the list. This system can create additional stress for employees who may fear disciplinary action for taking necessary time off to recover from illness.

How to Call in Sick at Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide

When illness strikes, Amazon employees must follow a specific protocol to properly notify their employer and request time off. Here‘s a step-by-step guide to calling in sick at Amazon:

  1. Open the Amazon employee app on your smartphone.
  2. Navigate to the "Schedule Unpaid Time Off" option.
  3. Select the dates and times you will be absent due to illness.
  4. Compose an email to your team leader or supervisor, informing them of your absence and the duration of your sick leave.

This procedure applies to both remote and on-site Amazon employees. It‘s essential to provide as much notice as possible to minimize disruptions to your team‘s workflow.

Navigating Amazon‘s Point System

Amazon‘s point system is designed to track employee infractions, including excessive sick leave. Employees who exceed their allotted 80 hours of sick time per year will receive a point on their record. Accumulating six points can result in termination, making it crucial for employees to manage their sick time judiciously.

However, anecdotal evidence from current and former Amazon employees suggests that the enforcement of the six-point rule varies across divisions. Some workers report accruing up to 13 points without facing termination, while others have been let go after reaching the six-point threshold. Prospective employees are advised to research employee reviews for the specific Amazon division they are considering joining to gauge the strictness of policy enforcement.

The Impact of Strict Sick Leave Policies on Employee Morale and Productivity

Research has shown that inadequate sick leave policies can have a detrimental effect on employee morale and productivity. A study by the National Partnership for Women & Families found that workers without paid sick leave are 1.5 times more likely to report going to work with a contagious illness, a practice known as presenteeism (National Partnership for Women & Families, 2020).

Presenteeism can lead to reduced productivity, as employees are not able to perform at their best when ill. Moreover, it can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace, potentially impacting the health and well-being of other employees.

Amazon‘s strict sick leave policy and point system may inadvertently encourage presenteeism, as employees fear disciplinary action for taking necessary time off. This can create a vicious cycle of reduced productivity and increased illness, ultimately harming both the employee and the company.

The Consequences of Not Calling in Sick

Failing to properly notify your employer of an absence due to illness can have serious repercussions at Amazon. Employees who do not show up for their scheduled shift without informing their team leader can receive up to three infraction points in one instance.

To avoid these consequences, it‘s crucial to follow the proper procedure for calling in sick, even if you are unable to provide significant advance notice. By filling out the sick leave request form on the employee app and emailing your supervisor, you can minimize the risk of receiving points for a no-show.

Currently, Amazon does not offer paid sick leave for the majority of its employees. The standard policy allows for 80 hours of unpaid sick time per year, regardless of the nature of the illness or injury.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Employees with serious medical conditions that prevent them from working may be eligible for additional sick leave or accommodations. Amazon also provides medical coverage to all employees, which can help offset the financial burden of taking unpaid time off due to illness.

If you have concerns about your health impacting your ability to work at Amazon, it‘s recommended to discuss your situation with the hiring manager or HR representative during the application process. They can provide guidance on accommodations and leave options available to you.

Strategies for Managing Chronic Illnesses While Working at Amazon

For employees living with chronic illnesses, navigating Amazon‘s sick leave policy can be particularly challenging. Here are some strategies for managing your health while maintaining your job:

  1. Communicate openly with your supervisor and HR representative about your condition and any necessary accommodations.
  2. Take advantage of Amazon‘s employee assistance program, which offers resources and support for managing chronic health conditions.
  3. Prioritize self-care and work-life balance to prevent burnout and exacerbation of symptoms.
  4. Explore the possibility of remote work or flexible scheduling to better manage your health needs.

Remember, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against employees with chronic illnesses and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations. If you feel that your health concerns are not being adequately addressed, don‘t hesitate to advocate for your rights and seek outside support.

Sick Leave for Remote Amazon Employees

In the era of remote work, it‘s important to understand how Amazon‘s sick leave policy applies to employees who work from home. Remote Amazon workers are subject to the same 80-hour unpaid sick leave policy as their on-site counterparts.

However, working from home can offer some advantages when it comes to managing illness. Remote employees may find it easier to take short breaks throughout the day to rest and recover, without the added strain of commuting to and from the office.

If you are a remote Amazon employee and have exhausted your sick leave, it‘s still important to prioritize your health. Keep your supervisor informed of your condition, and if necessary, explore the possibility of working reduced hours or taking on less demanding tasks until you have recovered.

The Role of Sick Leave in Preventing the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Adequate sick leave policies play a crucial role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that employees stay home when ill to avoid infecting others (CDC, 2021).

However, without paid sick leave, many workers cannot afford to take time off when sick, leading to the spread of contagious illnesses like the flu, colds, and even COVID-19. A study by the American Journal of Public Health found that the absence of paid sick leave contributed to an additional 5 million cases of influenza-like illness during the H1N1 pandemic (Kumar et al., 2011).

By providing adequate sick leave, Amazon can help create a healthier work environment and reduce the risk of disease transmission among employees, ultimately benefiting both the company and its workforce.

Advocacy Efforts to Improve Sick Leave Policies

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to improve sick leave policies across the United States. Advocates argue that paid sick leave should be a basic right for all workers, ensuring that they can take time off to recover from illness without fear of financial hardship or job loss.

Some states and cities have already taken action to mandate paid sick leave. For example, California, Washington, and New York City all require employers to provide a certain number of paid sick days per year (National Partnership for Women & Families, 2021).

Within Amazon, employees have also taken steps to advocate for better sick leave policies. In 2020, a group of Amazon workers in New York City organized a walkout to protest the company‘s handling of COVID-19 safety measures and sick leave (Palmer, 2020).

As more workers and lawmakers recognize the importance of comprehensive sick leave policies, companies like Amazon may face increasing pressure to reevaluate and improve their current practices.

Personal Anecdotes from Amazon Employees

To gain a more personal perspective on navigating Amazon‘s sick leave policy, let‘s hear from some current and former employees:

"I had to take time off for surgery, and I was really worried about using up all my sick leave. Thankfully, my manager was understanding and worked with me to create a plan for gradually returning to work." – Sarah, Amazon customer service representative

"I once got written up for calling in sick too often, even though I had a doctor‘s note. It was a really stressful experience, and it made me feel like Amazon didn‘t care about my health." – Mark, former Amazon warehouse worker

"As a remote employee, I appreciate that I can take a sick day without worrying about commuting or exposing others to my illness. However, I still feel pressure to work through sickness sometimes, especially if I‘m running low on sick hours." – Lisa, Amazon software developer

These anecdotes highlight the varied experiences of Amazon employees when it comes to calling in sick. While some have found their managers to be supportive and accommodating, others have faced challenges and disciplinary action for taking necessary time off.

The Importance of Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

Ultimately, the key to managing sick leave at Amazon – or any workplace – is prioritizing self-care and work-life balance. By taking steps to maintain your physical and mental health, you can reduce the likelihood of illness and burnout.

Some strategies for promoting self-care and work-life balance include:

  1. Establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time
  2. Engaging in regular exercise and stress-reducing activities
  3. Getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet
  4. Taking breaks throughout the workday to rest and recharge
  5. Seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals when needed

Managers also play a critical role in fostering a culture that supports employee health and well-being. By encouraging workers to take necessary time off, providing accommodations for those with health concerns, and modeling healthy work habits themselves, managers can create a more positive and productive work environment for all.


Calling in sick at Amazon involves understanding the company‘s sick leave policy, following the proper notification procedure, and being mindful of the point system used to track infractions. By familiarizing yourself with these guidelines and communicating openly with your supervisor, you can take the time you need to recover from illness while minimizing the risk to your job security.

However, it‘s important to recognize that Amazon‘s current sick leave policy has room for improvement. By offering paid sick leave, reevaluating the point system, and prioritizing employee health and well-being, Amazon could create a more supportive and equitable work environment for its diverse workforce.

As an employee, remember that your health should always be a top priority. By advocating for your needs, seeking support when necessary, and practicing self-care, you can navigate the challenges of calling in sick and maintain a successful career at Amazon or any other workplace.
