Amazon‘s Probation Period: Navigating the First 90 Days as a New Employee

As an e-commerce giant and one of the world‘s most valuable companies, Amazon is renowned for its innovative products, customer-centric approach, and high-performance culture. For many job seekers, landing a position at Amazon represents a significant career opportunity, offering the chance to work on cutting-edge projects, develop new skills, and make a meaningful impact on a global scale.

However, before new hires can fully integrate into Amazon‘s fast-paced and demanding work environment, they must first navigate the company‘s 90-day probation period. This crucial trial phase is designed to assess a new employee‘s skills, work ethic, and cultural fit, ensuring that only the most qualified and dedicated individuals become permanent members of the Amazon team.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at Amazon‘s probation period, exploring its purpose, expectations, and success rates, as well as providing expert insights and strategies for new hires looking to thrive during this challenging yet rewarding time.

Understanding Amazon‘s Probation Period

Amazon‘s probation period is a 90-day trial that all new employees must undergo, regardless of their role or level within the company. During this time, new hires are expected to demonstrate their ability to meet Amazon‘s high standards for performance, innovation, and customer obsession, while also adapting to the company‘s unique culture and working style.

The probation period serves several key purposes for Amazon, including:

  1. Assessing employee fit: The trial period allows managers and HR professionals to evaluate a new hire‘s technical skills, work ethic, and alignment with Amazon‘s core values, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates are retained for the long term.

  2. Setting performance expectations: By establishing clear goals and metrics for success during the probation period, Amazon can help new employees understand what is expected of them and provide support and guidance to help them meet these standards.

  3. Identifying top talent: The probation period provides an opportunity for exceptional new hires to stand out and demonstrate their potential for leadership and growth within the company, setting the stage for future advancement opportunities.

  4. Minimizing turnover costs: By identifying and addressing any performance or fit issues early on, Amazon can reduce the risk of costly turnover and ensure that the company‘s resources are invested in employees who are most likely to succeed and contribute to the organization‘s long-term goals.

Probation Period Expectations and Goals

During the probation period, Amazon new hires are expected to meet a range of specific goals and expectations, which may vary depending on their role and department. Some common performance metrics and objectives include:

  1. Sales targets: For employees in sales or customer-facing roles, meeting or exceeding sales quotas and revenue targets is often a key measure of success during the probation period.

  2. Quality and productivity: New hires in operational or technical roles may be evaluated on their ability to meet quality standards, deliver projects on time, and maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency.

  3. Leadership and collaboration: Demonstrating strong leadership skills, the ability to work effectively in a team, and contributing to a positive work environment are often critical factors in a successful probation period.

  4. Training and development: Many Amazon roles require new hires to complete specific training programs or certifications during their first 90 days, ensuring that they have the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively.

By setting clear expectations and providing regular feedback and support, Amazon managers can help new hires navigate the probation period and position themselves for long-term success within the company.

Probation Period Success Rates and Impact

While Amazon does not publicly disclose specific data on the success rates of new hires during the probation period, industry experts estimate that between 70-80% of Amazon employees successfully complete the 90-day trial and become permanent members of the company.

However, it‘s important to note that success rates may vary depending on factors such as:

  • Role and department: Some positions, such as those in high-pressure sales or technical roles, may have higher attrition rates during the probation period due to the demanding nature of the work.

  • Location: Probation period success rates may differ across Amazon‘s global offices and facilities, reflecting variations in local labor markets, cultural norms, and management styles.

  • Time of year: The holiday season, which is typically Amazon‘s busiest time of year, may see higher rates of turnover during the probation period due to the increased workload and pressure on employees.

Despite these variations, the overall impact of Amazon‘s probation period on the company‘s performance and culture is significant. By ensuring that only the most qualified and dedicated employees are retained, Amazon can maintain a high-performance workforce that is committed to delivering exceptional results for customers and stakeholders.

Moreover, the probation period can have a positive impact on employee motivation and engagement, as new hires who successfully navigate the trial phase may feel a greater sense of accomplishment, belonging, and investment in the company‘s mission and values.

Expert Insights on Navigating the Probation Period

To provide a broader perspective on the challenges and opportunities of Amazon‘s probation period, we reached out to industry experts and career professionals for their insights and advice. Here‘s what they had to say:

"Amazon‘s probation period is notoriously rigorous, but it‘s also an opportunity for new hires to showcase their skills, work ethic, and potential for growth. The key is to approach the trial period with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a focus on delivering results that align with Amazon‘s high standards and customer-centric culture." – Sarah Johnson, Human Resources Consultant

"Succeeding during Amazon‘s probation period requires a combination of technical expertise, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. New hires should prioritize building strong relationships with their managers, peers, and cross-functional teams, while also taking initiative to identify and solve problems that impact the customer experience." – Michael Chen, Career Coach and Former Amazon Manager

"One of the biggest challenges of Amazon‘s probation period is managing the high-pressure, fast-paced work environment while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It‘s essential for new hires to set realistic boundaries, prioritize self-care, and seek support from mentors, employee resource groups, or mental health professionals when needed." – Dr. Emily Wright, Organizational Psychologist

By incorporating these expert perspectives and strategies, new Amazon employees can increase their chances of successfully navigating the probation period and laying the foundation for a rewarding career with the company.

Long-Term Impact on Career Growth

For those who successfully complete Amazon‘s probation period, the experience can have a significant long-term impact on their career growth and trajectory within the company. Some potential benefits and opportunities include:

  1. Performance-based advancement: Amazon is known for its meritocratic culture, where employees are rewarded and promoted based on their performance and results. Successfully navigating the probation period can position new hires for accelerated career growth and leadership opportunities.

  2. Access to innovative projects: As a global leader in e-commerce, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, Amazon offers employees the chance to work on cutting-edge projects that shape the future of these industries. Demonstrating strong performance during the probation period can open doors to these exciting and impactful initiatives.

  3. Lateral moves and cross-functional exposure: Amazon encourages employees to take on new challenges and explore different areas of the business through lateral moves and cross-functional projects. A successful probation period can provide a strong foundation for pursuing these growth opportunities and expanding one‘s skill set and network within the company.

  4. Global mobility: With offices and operations in over 30 countries, Amazon provides employees with the opportunity to work and live in different parts of the world. A track record of success during the probation period can make it easier for employees to pursue international assignments and expatriate roles within the company.

By leveraging the skills, relationships, and reputation built during the probation period, Amazon employees can position themselves for significant long-term career growth and impact within one of the world‘s most influential and innovative companies.

Probation Period and Customer Experience

As a customer-centric company, Amazon places a high value on delivering exceptional experiences and satisfaction to its millions of global customers. The probation period plays a crucial role in ensuring that the company‘s workforce is aligned with this mission and equipped to meet the evolving needs and expectations of its customer base.

During the probation period, new hires are evaluated not only on their technical skills and productivity but also on their ability to prioritize customer needs, think innovatively, and deliver results that enhance the overall customer experience. This focus on customer obsession helps to ensure that Amazon‘s workforce is composed of individuals who are passionate about serving customers and driving continuous improvement in the company‘s products and services.

Moreover, the high standards and performance expectations set during the probation period can have a direct impact on the quality of service and products delivered to Amazon‘s customers. By retaining only the most qualified and dedicated employees, Amazon can maintain a workforce that is committed to excellence, attention to detail, and going above and beyond to meet customer needs.

However, it‘s important to acknowledge that the high-pressure and fast-paced nature of Amazon‘s probation period may also have potential drawbacks for customer experience. If new hires feel overly stressed or burnt out during the trial phase, it could negatively impact their ability to provide empathetic and personalized service to customers. Additionally, if the probation period results in high levels of turnover or instability within certain teams or departments, it could lead to inconsistencies or delays in service that ultimately impact customer satisfaction.

To mitigate these risks and ensure that the probation period supports a positive customer experience, Amazon must strike a balance between setting high performance standards and providing the necessary support, resources, and work-life balance for its employees. By fostering a culture of employee well-being and engagement, Amazon can create a workforce that is not only skilled and productive but also emotionally invested in delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Emotional and Psychological Impact on Employees

While Amazon‘s probation period can be an exciting and rewarding experience for many new hires, it‘s also important to acknowledge the potential emotional and psychological impact of this high-pressure and fast-paced work environment.

During the 90-day trial phase, new employees may face a range of stressors and challenges, such as:

  1. Performance anxiety: The pressure to meet high performance standards and demonstrate value to the company can lead to feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome, particularly for those who are new to the industry or transitioning from a different work culture.

  2. Work-life imbalance: The demanding nature of Amazon‘s work environment, combined with the need to quickly adapt to new roles and responsibilities, can make it difficult for employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance during the probation period. This can lead to feelings of burnout, exhaustion, and neglect of personal relationships or self-care.

  3. Fear of failure: With the knowledge that their performance during the probation period will determine their long-term employment prospects with Amazon, new hires may experience a heightened fear of failure or making mistakes, which can lead to increased stress and risk aversion.

  4. Social isolation: As new employees navigate the challenges of the probation period, they may feel isolated or disconnected from their colleagues and support systems, particularly if they are working remotely or in a new location.

To help employees manage these emotional and psychological challenges, Amazon must prioritize a culture of support, empathy, and open communication. This can include:

  • Providing clear guidance and expectations for performance, along with regular feedback and coaching to help employees track their progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Offering resources and benefits to support employee well-being, such as access to mental health professionals, stress management workshops, or flexible working arrangements.
  • Fostering a sense of community and belonging through employee resource groups, team-building activities, and mentorship programs that connect new hires with experienced colleagues who can offer guidance and support.
  • Encouraging open and honest communication between employees and their managers, creating a safe space for discussing challenges, concerns, and opportunities for growth.

By acknowledging the emotional and psychological impact of the probation period and taking proactive steps to support employee well-being, Amazon can create a work environment that not only drives high performance but also fosters resilience, adaptability, and long-term success for its workforce.

Ensuring Fairness and Equity in the Probation Period

As with any performance evaluation process, it‘s crucial for Amazon to ensure that its probation period is conducted in a fair, equitable, and unbiased manner. This means taking steps to mitigate any potential disparities or biases based on factors such as race, gender, age, or educational background.

Some strategies that Amazon can employ to promote fairness and equity in the probation period include:

  1. Standardized evaluation criteria: Establishing clear, objective, and consistent performance metrics and expectations for all employees, regardless of their role or background, can help to reduce the influence of individual biases or subjective judgments in the evaluation process.

  2. Diversity and inclusion training: Providing managers and HR professionals with comprehensive training on diversity, equity, and inclusion can help to raise awareness of unconscious biases and promote more equitable and inclusive hiring and evaluation practices.

  3. Data-driven analytics: Leveraging data analytics tools to monitor and assess the probation period outcomes across different demographic groups can help to identify any potential disparities or areas for improvement in the process.

  4. Employee feedback and advocacy: Encouraging open communication and feedback from employees about their experiences during the probation period, and providing channels for reporting any concerns or instances of bias or discrimination, can help to foster a culture of transparency and accountability.

  5. Continuous improvement: Regularly reviewing and updating the probation period policies and practices based on employee feedback, industry best practices, and evolving diversity and inclusion standards can help to ensure that the process remains fair, relevant, and effective over time.

By prioritizing fairness and equity in the probation period, Amazon can not only attract and retain a more diverse and inclusive workforce but also demonstrate its commitment to creating a work environment where all employees have an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive.


Amazon‘s 90-day probation period is a crucial and transformative experience for new hires, offering both significant challenges and opportunities for growth and success. By setting high performance standards, providing support and resources, and fostering a customer-centric and inclusive work culture, Amazon can help employees navigate this initial trial phase and lay the foundation for long-term career growth within the company.

However, the fast-paced and high-pressure nature of the probation period also requires a proactive and empathetic approach to employee well-being and support. By acknowledging the emotional and psychological impact of the process and taking steps to promote fairness, equity, and work-life balance, Amazon can create a work environment that not only drives business results but also empowers and engages its workforce.

As Amazon continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of its customers and employees, the probation period will likely remain a critical component of its talent management strategy. By continually refining and improving the process based on employee feedback, industry best practices, and emerging technologies, Amazon can ensure that its probation period remains a valuable and effective tool for building a high-performing, customer-obsessed, and inclusive workforce.

Ultimately, the success of Amazon‘s probation period will depend on the company‘s ability to strike a balance between setting high expectations and providing the necessary support and resources for employees to meet those standards. By fostering a culture of transparency, empathy, and continuous improvement, Amazon can help new hires navigate the challenges of the probation period and emerge as confident, skilled, and engaged members of the Amazon team, poised for long-term success and impact within the company and beyond.