The Ultimate Guide to Rotating Proxies vs. Static Proxies

In my 10+ years as a web scraping and data extraction expert, proxies have become an indispensable tool for many of my client projects. However, I‘ve found that many businesses struggle to understand the difference between rotating and static proxies and when to use each type.

In this comprehensive guide as a proxy technology specialist, I‘ll share my insider knowledge to conclusively explain rotating proxies vs. static proxies. By the end, you‘ll understand:

  • Exactly how rotating and static proxies work under the hood
  • The key differences between rotating and static proxies
  • When to use rotating vs. static proxies based on your use case
  • Real-world examples of using proxies for web scraping
  • Expert tips and best practices for getting the most out of proxies

Let‘s start by defining what rotating and static proxies are.

What Are Rotating Proxies and Static Proxies?

A proxy acts as an intermediary between your computer and the websites you access over the internet. When you connect through a proxy server, it masks your real IP address from the sites you visit.

There are two main types of proxy servers:

Rotating Proxies

A rotating proxy changes your IP address automatically for every new request made to a website. So if you make 10 requests through a rotating proxy, you‘ll use 10 different IP addresses.

The key benefit of rotating proxies is anonymity – websites have no way to tie your activity across sessions because your IP keeps changing.

According to data from Bright Data, the top rotating proxy provider, over 70 million rotating residential IPs are available from their network across 195 regions.

Global map showing Bright Data's residential proxy network

Bright Data has one of the largest pools of rotating residential proxies (Image source: Bright Data)

Rotating proxies are preferred for web scraping and automation tasks where getting blocked would severely impact your work. The constantly changing IPs mimic human behavior and make it almost impossible for sites to blacklist you.

Static Proxies

A static proxy assigns you one consistent IP address that doesn‘t change. Each time you connect to a website through a static proxy, the same IP is used for your session.

The benefit of static proxies is speed and reliability, since you maintain one persistent connection versus having to rebuild connections like with rotating proxies.

According to 2022 data from proxy provider Oxylabs, the average static proxy maintains 99.9% uptime.

Chart comparing proxy server uptimes

Static proxies have excellent uptime according to data from Oxylabs (Image source: Oxylabs)

With that background, let‘s take a deeper look at how each type of proxy works behind the scenes.

How Rotating Proxies Work

Rotating proxies are my go-to choice when anonymity and avoiding blocks is critical. Here‘s exactly how they work:

  1. You connect to a website through a rotating proxy service like Bright Data. Thousands of residential IPs are available to choose from.

  2. The proxy automatically assigns you one random IP address from its pool to use for this first request.

  3. Your request gets forwarded to the target site using the newly assigned IP. The site thinks the request is coming directly from that IP.

  4. You receive the response back through the proxy service.

  5. When you make a second request, steps 2-4 repeat. But this time, a different random IP gets assigned to you.

  6. This cycle continues, where each new request uses a different IP. Websites have no way to correlate your activity across sessions.

According to 2022 statistics from Bright Data, over 70 million residential IPs are available for rotation to maximize anonymity.

Let‘s look at a quick example. Say I‘m scraping product listings from an ecommerce site like eBay. For each new product page I want to scrape, I make a new request through my rotating proxy service. Each request is made using a different residential IP.

Even if eBay blocks a few of the IPs, I still have tens of millions of others to rotate through. This makes it extremely difficult for sites to stop my scraping efforts.

Diagram showing how rotating proxies assign new IPs with each request

How rotating proxies change your IP with every request (Image source: Bright Data)

Now let‘s compare this to how static proxies work.

How Static Proxies Work

While rotating proxies maximize anonymity by frequently changing your IP, static proxies take a different approach:

  1. You connect through a static proxy service like Smartproxy, which has 40M+ datacenter IPs.

  2. The proxy assigns you one of its available datacenter IP addresses to use. This IP will remain fixed for your session.

  3. Your requests get routed through your assigned static IP. Websites see all traffic coming from the same IP.

  4. Responses get routed back through your static proxy.

  5. When you make additional requests, steps 2-4 repeat. But you continue using the same static IP already assigned to you.

For basic web scraping and automation tasks, this single static IP is usually sufficient to prevent immediate blocking in some cases. However, your long-term activity can still be linked back to the same IP.

Let‘s look at an example. Say I want to scrape 50 product pages from a small Shopify store. I connect through my static proxy service and get assigned a US-based datacenter IP. I then scrape all 50 pages using this same static IP.

With a rotating proxy, I‘d be using a different residential IP for each page request, making it almost impossible for the site to trace my activity. But in cases where I‘m scraping a smaller site, the single static IP provides enough session isolation to avoid immediate blocks, while benefitting from faster speeds.

Diagram showing Smartproxy's static datacenter proxies

Smartproxy offers 40M+ static datacenter IPs (Image source: Smartproxy)

Now that we‘ve covered how they work, let‘s zoom in on the key differences.

Comparing Rotating Proxies vs. Static Proxies

Rotating and static proxies have several key differences that you need to consider when deciding which to use:

Table comparing static vs rotating proxies

Anonymity Level

Rotating proxies offer a significantly higher degree of anonymity versus static proxies:

  • Rotating – Each new request uses a different IP, preventing tracing of activity across sessions. Ideal when anonymity is critical.
  • Static – Your IP remains fixed, allowing sites to potentially link your sessions back to the same IP. Provides only basic anonymity.

According to 2022 estimates from proxy provider Oxylabs, rotating residential proxies from major providers offer 5x higher anonymity than datacenter proxies.

Speed & Reliability

Static proxies are generally faster and more reliable than rotating residential proxies:

  • Static – Typical speeds of 1,000+ ms and 99.9% uptime since there is no IP switching.
  • Rotating – Residential proxies average 2,000+ ms latency and 90% uptime due to switching IPs.

However, rotating datacenter proxies can match static proxies in speed and uptime because they rotate between datacenter IPs.


Rotating residential proxies are more expensive than static or datacenter proxies:

  • Rotating Residential – Often $1-5 per GB of data scraped. Offer the highest anonymity.
  • Rotating Datacenter – Around $0.50-$1 per GB. Cheaper but less anonymous than residential.
  • Static – Around $0.10-$0.40 per GB. Offer the lowest cost but least anonymity.

According to 2022 data from proxy provider Oxylabs, rotating residential proxies are up to 10x more expensive than static datacenter proxies.

Table comparing proxy type pricing

Rotating residential proxies are far more expensive (Image source: Oxylabs)

Use Cases

Given the above differences, here are the ideal use cases:

  • Rotating residential – Large scale scraping and automation. Critical to avoid blocks.
  • Rotating datacenter – Web scraping on a budget. Avoid blocks without residential premium.
  • Static – Small scale scraping. Basic session isolation. Budget friendly.

Later in this guide, I‘ll cover specific examples of when to choose which proxy type.

In summary, rotating proxies prioritize anonymity while static proxies prioritize speed and cost. Understanding how your specific needs fit into this tradeoff is key to choosing correctly.

Next, let‘s look at some common web scraping use cases where rotating proxies are the best choice.

Web Scraping Use Cases Where Rotating Proxies Are Best

In my experience, rotating proxies – and residential proxies in particular – are the best choice for the large majority of web scraping and data collection projects.

The constant IP rotation ensures you avoid blocks, maximizing your data collection uptime. While static proxies can work in some basic use cases, rotating proxies are my go-to for all mission-critical scraping.

Let‘s look at two common examples:

Scraping Ecommerce Sites

Ecommerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Walmart deploy advanced bot detection and scraping countermeasures. Techniques like frequent IP cycling and browser fingerprinting are used.

The Challenge

Making repeated scraping requests from the same IP will get detected and blocked extremely quickly. These sites instantly blacklist any suspicious IPs.

Rotating Proxies as the Solution

By rotating between tens of millions of residential IPs across diverse geographic regions, it‘s virtually impossible for these sites to trace and block your activity.

Each product page request is made using a different residential IP. The sites have no way to distinguish you from real organic shoppers browsing products.

Bright Data, one of the leading rotating proxy providers, offers over 40 million residential IPs perfect for scraping ecommerce sites at scale. Their IPs emulate real users from residential broadband and mobile internet connections across 195 regions worldwide.

Diagram showing rotating proxies changing IP addresses

Bright Data‘s pool of millions of residential IPs is ideal for ecommerce scraping

Based on my experience, rotating residential proxies are by far the most effective approach for scraping retail sites reliably and avoiding continuous blocks.

Gathering Travel Data

The travel industry poses unique challenges for data collection and web scraping. Sites aggressively block scrapers to enforce geo-restrictions and rate limits.

The Challenge

Travel sites track your location and will frequently blacklist entire regions. Scraping large amounts of flight/hotel data from a single IP simply won‘t work.

Rotating Proxies as the Solution

By rotating through residential IPs from diverse locations, you can circumvent geo-blocks and scrape travel site data at scale.

Proxy providers like Oxylabs offer millions of residential proxies from over 195 regions globally. Each request uses a new IP, so your activity blends in like any other travel shopper.

Oxylabs has done extensive R&D into evading the specific defenses implemented by key travel sites. Their residential proxies are specialized to collect travel pricing data, reviews, and more without facing continuous blocks.

Map showing locations of Oxylabs' residential proxies

Oxylabs residential proxies let you scrape travel sites from almost any region

Based on extensive travel data scraping experience, rotating residential proxies are the only reliable way to scrape these sites successfully.

Next let‘s look at cases where static proxies may work better.

When To Use Static Proxies Over Rotating Proxies

While rotating proxies are my first choice in most cases, there are certain situations where static proxies may be the better fit:

Scraping Smaller Sites

When scraping smaller sites with basic protections, residential rotating proxies provide more anonymity than necessary. The slower speeds and higher costs of residential proxies also become less worthwhile.

The Challenge

Scraping efficiently without overpaying for residential proxies.

Static Proxies as the Solution

For scraping sites smaller than the retail giants, static datacenter proxies provide enough session isolation to avoid immediate blocking in some cases.

The benefit over residential proxies is significant speed and cost savings, while still providing basic session isolation. For example, scraping a few dozen product pages from a minor Shopify store.

I typically use static datacenter proxies from Smartproxy, which offers 40M+ IPs optimized for speed and uptime. The single static IP suffices for scraping smaller sites in moderation, while allowing faster page crawling than residential proxies.

If I do notice blocking increase on a site, I simply switch over to fully rotating residential proxies which provide the maximum scraping resilience.

Diagram showing Smartproxy's static datacenter proxies

Smartproxy offers 40M+ reliable, high-speed static datacenter proxies

Basic Web Automation

For simple web automation tasks likeForms completion or basic bot interactions, rotating residential proxies are overkill. The extreme anonymity level is unnecessary.

The Challenge

Avoiding blocks without paying a premium for full residential proxy rotation.

Static Proxies as the Solution

I leverage static proxies for basic web automation tasks where I don‘t need to constantly rotate IPs and mimic organic users. The single static IP gives enough isolation to prevent immediate API blocks in many cases.

Compared to slow residential proxies, static datacenter proxies provide faster and more reliable performance for my automation scripts and bots. I utilize providers like Smartproxy who offer a deep pool of low-latency datacenter IPs to choose from.

If my automation does get blocked at a higher rate, I can always upgrade to fully rotating proxies. But for basic usage, static proxies are more than sufficient and far more affordable.

The additional speed also means I can execute more bot actions per minute and scale my automation easier.

Expert Tips For Using Proxies Effectively

In my 10+ years as an expert in proxies for web scraping and automation, I‘ve learned a few key tips to use them effectively:

  • Combine multiple providers – Don‘t rely on a single proxy provider. Combine residential proxies from Bright Data, Oxylabs, and others to maximize your IP diversity.

  • Frequently refresh IPs – Rotate IPs aggressively to mimic human behavior. Configure IPs to refresh after as little as 1-5 requests depending on the site protections.

  • Watch for bans carefully – Monitor the ban rate of your IPs closely. Switch providers or reconfigure your rotation frequency if bans increase.

  • Use proxy manager software – Tools like Bright Data‘s Proxy Manager make it easy to manage and automatically rotate proxies from multiple sources.

  • Implement additional evasions – Combine proxies with other evasion techniques like real browsers and random delays to further hide scraping activity.

Key Takeaways on Rotating vs Static Proxies

To wrap up this comprehensive guide comparing rotating and static proxies for web scraping and automation:

  • Rotating proxies change IPs frequently, maximizing anonymity and avoiding blocks. Ideal for most scraping, but cost more.

  • Static proxies keep IPs consistent, offering speed and affordability. Work for simpler use cases.

  • Use rotating residential proxies when anonymity is critical and avoiding blocks matters most.

  • Use rotating datacenter proxies when you need IP rotation on a budget.

  • Use static proxies for lightweight scraping of smaller sites and basic automation.

Still have questions on choosing the right proxies? Feel free to reach out! I‘m always happy to provide guidance based on your specific web scraping and automation use case requirements.