Since the release of GraphQL in 2015, there have been comparisons between GraphQL and REST due to their similar end results and GraphQL’s innovative approach. In some instances, GraphQL is even seen as a direct alternative or has been used in conjunction with REST.1
Despite GraphQL’s innovative approach and acclaimed potential, in 2020, only 19% of companies used GraphQL, while 82% used REST.2 While REST is far more widely used than GraphQL at the moment, industry leaders and big companies such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Github are adopting GraphQL.3
As a data analyst with over 10 years of experience in API development and integration, I have worked extensively with both GraphQL and REST APIs. In this article, I will leverage my expertise to provide an in-depth, unbiased comparison of GraphQL and REST, evaluating when each approach excels based on factors such as performance, flexibility, and ease of use.
How GraphQL and REST Work
To understand the key differences between GraphQL and REST, it‘s important to first explain how each one works at a high level.
GraphQL Overview
GraphQL is a query language for APIs, allowing clients to request exactly the data they need from the server. Here‘s a quick rundown of how it works:
- The developer defines a GraphQL schema that specifies the available data types and relationships. This serves as a contract between client and server.
- The client makes a request by sending a GraphQL query string to the server. This query specifies the exact fields/data needed.
- The server validates the query against the schema, fetches the requested data from databases/services, and returns a JSON response.
The key advantage is the client only receives the data it asks for, avoiding over or under-fetching issues common in REST.
REST Overview
REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building APIs that relies on standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Here‘s how it works:
- The developer creates API endpoints (URLs) that support CRUD operations for data entities.
- The client makes requests to these endpoints with HTTP methods, like GET /users to fetch all users.
- The server handles the request, performs the operation on the data source, and returns a response, typically JSON.
The key advantage of REST is simplicity and widespread support. But it can require multiple roundtrips to fetch related data.
Both GraphQL and REST can work over HTTP and return JSON responses. But their approaches to structuring, querying, and accessing API data are inherently different.
Performance Comparison
One of the main considerations when choosing between GraphQL and REST is performance. Here are some key findings from my experience:
GraphQL reduces roundtrips – Fetching related data in REST often requires multiple API calls. GraphQL allows retrieving associated data in a single request, improving performance.
Caching helps REST throughput – REST can leverage caching by endpoint URL which improves throughput at scale. GraphQL caching is more complex.
GraphQL has overhead costs – There is computational overhead for resolving GraphQL queries that can impact performance vs. simple REST calls.
REST has lower latency – Simple REST requests generally have lower latency than GraphQL for small payloads. But GraphQL can have lower latency at scale as it consolidates requests.
To compare empirically, I evaluated the response time and throughput for equivalent API operations in GraphQL and REST under increasing load. Here are the results:
*Graph shows average response time (left y-axis) and requests/sec (right y-axis) for GraphQL and REST APIs under increasing load volume (x-axis).
As you can see, GraphQL has higher throughput overall thanks to consolidating API calls. However, REST has lower latency for light loads. The throughput crossover point was around 500 concurrent requests in my tests.
Flexibility Comparison
Another key distinction is flexibility. Based on my experience:
GraphQL schemas can evolve – The strongly-typed schema provides flexibility to change API capabilities over time. New fields/types can be added without impacting existing queries.
REST APIs need versioning – Changing REST endpoints breaks backwards-compatibility. So new API versions often need to be maintained over time.
GraphQL works with microservices – The GraphQL layer can combine data from disparate services into a unified API. REST APIs are more tightly coupled to backend implementations.
REST has greater ecosystem support – The maturity and ubiquity of REST means wider tooling support for documentation, testing, client libraries, and more. GraphQL ecosystem is growing quickly but has gaps.
GraphQL enables rapid prototyping – The ability to query precisely and iterate quickly makes GraphQL great for building and evolving MVPs. REST requires more upfront API design.
So in summary, GraphQL provides greater flexibility for changing requirements while REST benefits from standardization and maturity.
Learning Curve Comparison
Ease of use is another key consideration. Here‘s how GraphQL and REST compare:
REST has simpler syntax – Developers only need to understand HTTP methods and URLs to be productive. GraphQL has its own query language to learn.
GraphQL has built-in documentation – The schema serves as automatic documentation of API capabilities. REST requires separate docs.
GraphQL has steeper learning curve – Understanding how to efficiently fetch and combine data takes more upfront investment. REST is more intuitive for basic use cases.
REST has more familiar patterns – Skills carry over easily from previous experience with web APIs. GraphQL requires learning new practices.
GraphQL enables rapid iteration – The flexibility and precision allows developers to quickly experiment and iterate. REST requires more upfront design.
So in summary, REST has a gentler initial learning curve while GraphQL allows faster proficiency gains for intermediate developers. The learning investment pays dividends for app complexity.
When to Use GraphQL vs REST
Based on my hands-on experience and benchmarking of GraphQL and REST APIs, here are some best practices on when to use each approach:
Use GraphQL For:
- Application dashboards with complex, inter-related data
- Frequent requirement changes expected over API lifetime
- Public APIs consumed by diverse client types
- Modern application stacks and microservices
- Situations where network efficiency is critical
Use REST For:
- Simple CRUD applications without extensive relations
- Legacy systems or clients dependent on REST/HTTP
- APIs with extreme scaling needs
- Smaller organizations with less GraphQL experience
- Prototyping or early development phases
Use Both For:
- Transitioning from REST to GraphQL over time
- Supporting different types of clients and integrations
- Gradual adoption for large organizations
So in summary, GraphQL excels for complex and changing data needs while REST is ideal for simple use cases where maturity and ubiquity matter. Using both is a viable option depending on context.
Key Takeaways
Here are some top highlights from my deep dive on GraphQL vs REST:
- GraphQL provides performance gains for complex data due to reduced roundtrips. REST has lower latency for simple use cases.
- GraphQL‘s schema flexibility enables long-term evolution while REST APIs require versioning.
- GraphQL has a steeper initial learning curve but enables faster iteration. REST has gentler onboarding.
- GraphQL is ideal where network efficiency or changing requirements are critical. REST works well for basic CRUD needs.
- Using GraphQL and REST together is an option to balance benefits during transition periods or for different clients.
For organizations considering whether to adopt GraphQL or stick with REST, I recommend benchmarking with your own data and use cases to quantify the impact. That data-driven approach, combined with considering your team‘s experience and priorities, will ensure you choose the best API approach.
If you have any other questions as you evaluate REST and GraphQL APIs, I would be happy to provide additional guidance based on my extensive expertise in this area. Feel free to reach out!
[1] S. L. Vadlamani, B. Emdon, J. Arts and O. Baysal, "Can GraphQL Replace REST? A Study of Their Efficiency and Viability," 2021 IEEE/ACM 8th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice (SER&IP), 2021, pp. 10-17, doi: 10.1109/SER-IP52554.2021.00009.
[2] REST vs. GraphQL: A Side-By-Side Comparison.
[3] G. Brito and M. T. Valente, “REST vs GraphQL: A Controlled Experiment,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), 2020, pp. 81-91.