Top 6 Use Cases of Deep Learning in Finance in 2024

Deep learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) focused on neural networks, is rapidly transforming the finance industry. According to IDC, banking will be one of the top spenders on AI solutions by 2024. With the ability to process both structured and unstructured data at scale, deep learning unlocks new opportunities for financial institutions to serve customers, identify risks, and optimize operations.

In this article, we explore six of the most impactful applications of deep learning in finance and what makes this technology so well-suited to the industry‘s needs.

Why Deep Learning is Relevant for Finance

Finance deals with massive amounts of data, both structured (e.g. financial records) and unstructured (e.g. news, reports). Deep learning algorithms excel at finding patterns and extracting insights from both forms of data through:

  • Natural language processing – To interpret unstructured text data like earnings reports, analyst forecasts, and news articles. As an expert in web scraping and data extraction, I often advise financial firms on how they can leverage alternative data sources like online forums, reviews, and social media to gain unique insights into customer sentiment, brand perception, product performance, and more. With web scraping, these unstructured data sources can be programmatically extracted and fed into deep learning models.

  • Computer vision – To analyze images and video like insurance damage assessments. Progressive‘s Snapshot app uses computer vision on driver photos to monitor distraction and give policy discounts.

  • Neural networks – To model complex patterns and relationships in structured financial data. JPMorgan developed a deep learning model called LOXM that analyzes 30 years of data to identify fraudulent transactions.

These capabilities allow financial institutions to automate processes that previously required extensive human analysis and judgement.

Top 6 Use Cases of Deep Learning in Finance

Let‘s explore some of the most promising applications of deep learning across banking, insurance, and investment management.

1. Customer Service

Banks and insurers are turning to AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to deliver more personalized customer service. Deep learning analyzes customer data and interactions to:

  • Automate routine queries – e.g. checking account balances, transaction history. Ericsson‘s chatbot for SEB bank handles 50% of customer inquiries.

  • Make personalized recommendations – e.g. suggesting savings accounts based on spending patterns. CapitalOne‘s Eno chatbot makes individualized offers and financial tips.

  • Predict churn risk – Identify dissatisfied customers based on interactions so companies can proactively offer promotions or new plans. IBM Watson helped BBVA boost customer satisfaction 29% by predicting churn risk.

According to Salesforce research, 76% of customers now expect companies to use AI and data to deliver personalized interactions.

2. Financial Security and Compliance

Deep learning is being applied to detect fraud, money laundering, and other malicious financial activity. By analyzing transaction patterns, deep learning models can:

  • Flag suspicious transactions – Highlight activity that falls outside expected patterns in real-time. Using neural networks, SAS can uncover complex fraud rings imperceptible to rules-based systems.

  • Improve regulatory compliance – Analyze satellite imagery and street views to verify business locations and activities. GeoVerra‘s tool helps banks meet "know your customer" regs using geospatial data.

According to McKinsey, AI could reduce compliance costs by up to 90% while improving monitoring quality.

Financial crime compliance spending (McKinsey)

3. Insurance Underwriting

Insurers are turning to deep learning to automate and enhance critical underwriting processes like:

  • Risk assessment – Predict policyholder risk levels based on attributes like age, income, and credit history. Allstate uses AI to price auto premiums more accurately based on risk.

  • Premium pricing – Set optimal premiums based on projected risk and costs. Clover Health leverages deep learning to reduce Medicare costs by 18%.

  • Claims processing – Detect fraudulent claims and assess damages more accurately. Shift uses AI to process claims 9x faster.

Deep learning delivers faster and more accurate underwriting and pricing, allowing insurers to reduce costs and compete more effectively.

4. Lending

Deep learning credit risk models analyze applicant attributes like income, employment history, and credit scores to reach loan decisions. Key capabilities include:

  • Credit scoring – Rank applicants based on default risk. ZestFinance‘s model increased auto lending approvals by 20-30% while maintaining default rates.

  • Loan qualification – Decide whether applicants meet approval criteria. Upstart uses 1,600 data points to qualify borrowers overlooked by FICO scores.

  • Interest rates – Determine suitable interest rates based on projected risk. LendingClub cut interest rates by 4% for over 75% of applicants using AI.

According to Accenture, AI could nearly double cash flow for retail lending.

5. Investment Management

For investment managers, deep learning is being applied to:

  • Algorithmic trading – Analyze news events and price movements to rapidly execute profitable trades. J.P. Morgan‘s deep learning fund delivered over 10% in annual returns.

  • Portfolio optimization– Automatically rebalance portfolios to maximize returns and minimize risk exposure. BlackRock uses AI to manage $7.6 trillion in assets.

  • Sentiment analysis – Assess market sentiment from news and social media to predict price fluctuations. Two Sigma analyzes Reddit posts to trade crypto assets.

Deep learning delivers the speed and data processing capabilities needed to implement quantitative trading strategies.

6. Accounting and Finance Operations

In accounting and finance departments, deep learning is automating highly manual processes:

  • Transaction reconciliation – Match invoices, bank statements, and other documents. Microsoft Azure cut reconciliation time for Icertis by 83%.

  • Expense auditing – Detect anomalies in spend patterns. AppZen achieved 99% accuracy auditing Uber‘s expenses.

  • Financial forecasting – Generate projections based on historical data. Uber‘s Michelangelo ML platform forecasts ride demand.

Process automation frees up finance staff to focus on higher value-add analysis.

Challenges of Applying Deep Learning in Finance

While the opportunities are immense, there are also important challenges for financial institutions looking to adopt deep learning:

  • Explainability – Deep learning models can behave like "black boxes", making it difficult to understand the basis of their predictions. This poses challenges especially for regulated use cases like lending and underwriting where unfair bias needs to be avoided. Techniques like LIME and Shapley values are advancing model interpretability, but more progress is needed.

  • Data privacy – Deep learning depends on large datasets, sometimes containing personal customer information. Especially after GDPR, financial firms must take care to protect data privacy and security.

  • Trust in automation – Stakeholders like underwriters and loan officers may resist black box systems making autonomous decisions, preferring human oversight. Firms need to find the right balance between automation and human judgement.

  • Talent gaps – Financial domain expertise is needed alongside deep technical skills to successfully implement deep learning. Developing this combination of talent remains challenging. Universities like MIT now offer programs like the MFin Masters in Finance which combine AI, ML, and finance.

  • Bias and fairness – Like other AI models, deep learning can perpetuate real-world biases if not properly monitored. For regulated use cases, demonstrating fairness and ethics is crucial.

Adoption of AI in business functions (Deloitte)

The Future of Deep Learning in Finance

As algorithms continue to improve at analyzing all forms of data, deep learning adoption will accelerate across the finance industry. However, thoughtful implementation that addresses ethics, fairness, and transparency will be critical to build trust and maximize value.

With their vast reserves of data, financial institutions have an unprecedented opportunity to use deep learning to enhance everything from customer experiences to risk management. Those who strategically invest in these capabilities now can gain sustainable competitive advantage. The future of fintech will belong to firms that successfully harness the power of deep learning and AI.
