Cheerio vs Puppeteer for Web Scraping in 2024: In-Depth Guide

Web scraping is an essential technique used by data scientists, analysts, and developers to extract large volumes of data from websites. This data can then be analyzed and used for various applications like price monitoring, market research, news monitoring, and more.

When it comes to web scraping in JavaScript, two of the most popular libraries are Cheerio and Puppeteer. In this comprehensive, 2000+ word guide, we‘ll do an in-depth comparison of Cheerio vs Puppeteer for web scraping.

Introduction to Web Scraping

Before we dive into the specifics of Cheerio and Puppeteer, let‘s first understand what web scraping is and why it‘s useful.

Web scraping refers to the automated extraction of data from websites. It involves using tools to programmatically fetch web page content, then parse and extract the required data points into a structured format like CSV or JSON.

Some common uses of web scraping include:

  • Price monitoring – Track prices for products across ecommerce sites.
  • Lead generation – Build marketing and sales prospect lists from directories.
  • Market research – Analyze trends from news sites, forums, reviews etc.
  • Content aggregation – Compile news articles, recipes, classifieds into one place.
  • Data mining for machine learning – Create large labeled datasets for training ML models.

Web scraping can save an enormous amount of time and effort compared to manually copying data. It also makes it possible to extract data at large scales. However, scrapers need to be built properly to avoid overloading target sites.

Now let‘s see how Cheerio and Puppeteer fit into the web scraping landscape.

Cheerio for Web Scraping

Cheerio is a popular web scraping library for Node.js. It is designed specifically for parsing, traversing and manipulating HTML/XML documents.

Cheerio provides a jQuery-style API for navigating DOM structures, making it very easy to extract data from HTML pages. It allows you to use CSS selectors and traverse the parsed document in a similar way to how jQuery traverses the DOM in the browser.

Here are some of the key features of Cheerio:

  • Blazing fast performance – Cheerio is lightweight and focuses only on core parsing and manipulation. This makes it about 8-12 times faster than browser automation based tools like Puppeteer.

  • Familiar syntax – The API is almost identical to jQuery, so the learning curve is very gentle for those with jQuery experience. DOM manipulation using CSS selectors is a breeze.

  • Pure JavaScript – It works on the parsed DOM in memory without any browser required. This contributes heavily to its speed.

  • HTML/XML parsing – Can parse markup into traversable DOM structures with ease. Supports both the parse5 and htmlparser2 parsers.

  • Editing DOM – Makes it very easy to modify DOM elements, attributes, text etc. This helps in data cleansing and wrangling.

  • Lightweight – Weighing at just around 7kB minified and gzipped, it adds very little overhead to projects.

Consider this example of using Cheerio to extract product prices from an ecommerce page:

// Load HTML 
const html = fs.readFileSync(‘products.html‘);

// Parse HTML into DOM structure
const $ = cheerio.load(html); 

// Use CSS selector to extract prices
const prices = $(‘.product .price‘)  
                .map((i, el) => $(el).text())

As you can see, Cheerio follows a jQuery style concise syntax for querying elements and extracting the text from the matching nodes.

Some of the things that can be challenging to scrape with Cheerio are:

  • JavaScript generated content – Since all Cheerio sees is static HTML, it cannot handle content dynamically loaded by JavaScript.

  • Interactions – Clicking buttons, filling forms, scrolling pages etc. cannot be done as there is no browser involved.

  • Media content – Images, videos, and other media are not loaded as external resources are not fetched.

So in summary, Cheerio is a great choice when scraping static content from HTML/XML documents. For dynamically generated content, a headless browser based scraping library is required.

Puppeteer for Web Scraping

Puppeteer is a Node.js library developed by Google for controlling headless Chrome and Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. It allows you to interact with web pages programmatically just like an actual user would.

Here are some of the key advantages of using Puppeteer for web scraping:

  • Headless browser – Runs an actual headless Chrome instance behind the scenes to drive a real web browser. This allows it to render dynamic JavaScript content.

  • Built-in devices – Comes built-in with preset device profiles like iPhone, iPad etc. Makes mobile scraping easier.

  • Fast performance – Provides huge speed improvements over old solutions like Selenium that drive full browsers.

  • Latest protocol – Leverages the latest DevTools protocol used in Chromium for maximum effectiveness.

  • Reliable and stable – Actively maintained by Google. Large community support available.

  • Screenshots – Can take full page screenshots with just a line of code. Useful for visual regression testing.

  • PDF generation – Can directly generate PDF files from web pages with native support.

Let‘s look at an example of using Puppeteer to extract product information:

const puppeteer = require(‘puppeteer‘);

(async () => {

  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto(‘‘);

  // Wait for element to load  
  await page.waitForSelector(‘.product‘);

  // Extract product data
  const products = await page.evaluate(() => {
    const items = document.querySelectorAll(‘.product‘);
    return Array.from(items).map(item => {
      return {
        title: item.querySelector(‘h4‘).innerText,
        description: item.querySelector(‘p‘).innerText,
        price: item.querySelector(‘.price‘).innerText


  await browser.close();


Here we are able to extract even dynamic content using page.evaluate(), which executes JavaScript within the browser context.

Some key things to note about Puppeteer:

  • Large dependency – Downloads a recent Chromium binary (~100MB) on install. Can cause sluggishness in small projects.
  • Slower than Cheerio – The overhead of launching Chrome adds latency vs a pure JS parser.
  • Async code – The API relies heavily on async/await making code flow harder to follow at times.

In summary, Puppeteer brings the ability to scrape dynamic content and interact with pages, at the cost of increased complexity.

Cheerio vs Puppeteer: A Direct Comparison

Now that we have seen both libraries in action, let‘s compare them across some key parameters:

Parameter Cheerio Puppeteer
Usage HTML/XML parsing & scraping Browser automation for scraping
Speed Extremely fast Slower than Cheerio
Learning curve Very easy Moderate
Supported content Static HTML/XML Dynamic + Static
Key features – Fast
– Lightweight
– jQuery style API
– Headless browser
– Mobile emulation
– Screenshots
Dependencies Very minimal Downloads Chromium (~100MB)


One of the biggest differences between Cheerio and Puppeteer is speed.

As per benchmarks, Cheerio can be up to 8-12 times faster than Puppeteer for basic scraping tasks. This massive difference in performance comes from the fact that Cheerio parses and traverses HTML directly without any browser overhead.

Cheerio is blazing fast when it comes to parsing markup and querying elements using CSS selectors. So for most small to medium sized static scraping tasks, Cheerio will outperform Puppeteer handily.

However, once you introduce browser interactions like clicking buttons, scrolling pages etc. Puppeteer will be faster than trying to simulate those actions with Cheerio.

Learning Curve

Due to the similarity with jQuery, Cheerio has an extremely gentle learning curve for anyone who has used jQuery before. The entire API is essentially just jQuery adapted for use on HTML/XML strings rather than live DOM objects.

Puppeteer on the other hand requires you to learn about its async/await based API, Promises, browser contexts etc. It also helps to have knowledge of modern JavaScript (ES6+) and Node.js.

So Cheerio can be picked up almost instantly by jQuery developers, while Puppeteer requires more learning effort.

Supported Content

A major point of differentiation is the type of content that each library can handle:

  • Cheerio – Limited to static content only. Cannot parse or scrape JavaScript generated content.
  • Puppeteer – Can scrape any kind of content – static, dynamic, AJAX-loaded etc.

So if you need to scrape content generated by JavaScript, for example on Single Page Apps or Ajax-heavy pages, Puppeteer is the way to go.

Use Cases

Based on their strengths and limitations, here are some recommendations on when to use each library:

  • Use Cheerio for: scraping static sites, HTML processing, parsing feeds etc. It‘s simple, lightweight and blazing fast at these tasks.

  • Use Puppeteer for: scraping dynamic JS sites, filling forms, capturing screenshots, device emulation etc. Required for advanced browser interactions.

  • Use both together for scraping some parts of a site that have dynamic content and others that are static. Cheerio can scrape faster first, then delegate to Puppeteer for JS heavy pages.

Example Projects

  • Web scraper for classifieds site – A site like Craigslist with mostly static content is perfectly suited for Cheerio. It can rapidly parse thousands of listing pages and extract details.

  • Product scraper for ecommerce site – Ecommerce sites like Amazon use lots of JS for their interfaces. Puppeteer would be required to handle the dynamic content.

  • Dashboard with news and market data – Use Cheerio to rapidly scrape dozens of news sites and forums. Then use Puppeteer to extract live stocks data from an Ajax heavy finance site.

As you can see, most real-world projects require a combination of static and dynamic scraping. Evaluating your content and interfaces will help decide what balance of libraries works best.


To summarize, here are some key pointers to help decide between Cheerio and Puppeteer:

  • For simple static scraping, Cheerio is the best choice – it‘s incredibly fast and lightweight.

  • For browser interactions and dynamic JS content, Puppeteer is required – Cheerio cannot handle JavaScript.

  • Combining both libraries is powerful – delegate static scraping to Cheerio for performance.

  • Cheerio has a much gentler learning curve vs. Puppeteer for those new to web scraping.

  • Use cases involving screenshots, PDFs and device emulation need Puppeteer‘s capabilities.

  • Evaluate your target sites and interfaces to decide which library fits your needs.

So in closing, both Cheerio and Puppeteer are extremely useful for web scraping in JavaScript. Hope this detailed, 2000+ word guide helps you pick the right library for your next web scraping project!