Guide to Oracles in 2024: What Are They, Types & Use Cases

Oracles are emerging as one of the most important components supporting real-world blockchain adoption. By securely connecting external data sources to on-chain smart contracts, oracles enable a wide range of blockchain applications that would not be possible otherwise.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what oracles are, the different types, key benefits and use cases, and predictions for the future.

What Are Blockchain Oracles?

An oracle is a bridge that enables real-world data to be transmitted into a blockchain network. They serve as the critical middleware between off-chain data sources and on-chain smart contracts.

Smart contracts execute based on predetermined conditions and inputs. But since blockchains cannot directly access external data like market prices, weather data, or news events, an oracle is required to feed this information to smart contracts.

Oracles retrieve data from off-chain sources, format it, and post it on-chain where smart contracts can use the data to execute transactions. This allows smart contracts to respond to real-world events and conditions.

Oracle diagram

Without oracles, smart contracts would be limited to only using data already on the blockchain. Oracles expand the capabilities of smart contracts and enable a wide range of real-world use cases.

Why Are Oracles Important?

Oracles solve a key limitation of smart contracts – accessing external data. Here are some of the main benefits oracles provide:

  • Expand capabilities of smart contracts – Enable smart contracts to respond to real-world events like asset price changes, weather data, supply chain events.

  • Trigger automated actions – Smart contracts can automatically execute actions like paying out insurance claims or releasing collateral when conditions are met.

  • Power DeFi applications – DeFi apps need real-time asset price data to determine lending terms, collateralization ratios, interest rates, etc.

  • Enable enterprise adoption – Supply chain, insurance, financial services all require external data to implement blockchain solutions.

  • Facilitate interoperability – Oracles enable communication between different blockchains, powering cross-chain applications.

Without oracles, blockchains would have very limited functionality. By securely bridging off-chain and on-chain data, oracles greatly expand the use cases for blockchain technology.

Types of Oracles

There are different ways to categorize blockchain oracles:

Inbound vs Outbound Oracles

Inbound oracles deliver external data into a blockchain. This allows smart contracts to react to real-world data.

Outbound oracles transmit data from a blockchain to an external system. This allows triggering actions in the outside world based on on-chain events.

Software vs Hardware vs Human Oracles

Oracles can source data from different mediums:

  • Software oracles – Retrieve data from online sources like APIs, cloud services, web pages. Most common oracle type.

  • Hardware oracles – Get data from physical world using IoT sensors, RFID tags, barcode scanners.

  • Human oracles – Specialized individuals act as oracles using expert knowledge or performing manual verification.

Centralized vs Decentralized Oracles

Centralized oracles rely on a single node operator and data source. Decentralized oracles aggregate data from multiple sources using a distributed network of nodes.

Decentralized oracles enhance security by eliminating single points of failure. Leading oracle networks like Chainlink and Band Protocol use decentralized oracle architectures.

Real-World Oracle Networks

There are a number of live oracle networks providing data to blockchains:

  • Chainlink – Leading decentralized oracle network with over 900 independent node operators. Used extensively in DeFi.

  • Band Protocol – Popular decentralized oracle focused on securing real-world data for smart contracts.

  • Witnet – Decentralized oracle network that allows users to create data requests for oracle nodes to fulfill.

  • API3 – Decentralized API services enabling first-party oracles for Web3.

  • UMA – Protocol for creating customized decentralized synthetic assets using oracle-connected contracts.

These networks secure, aggregate, and deliver external data to blockchains to power Web3 applications.

Key Use Cases for Oracles

By securely bridging off-chain and on-chain data, oracles enable a variety of real-world blockchain applications:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi applications need real-time price data, interest rates, and currency exchange rates to determine borrowing/lending terms and collateralization ratios. Oracles like Chainlink provide this data to leading DeFi platforms.

Supply Chain Tracking

Sensors and IoT devices can transmit supply chain data like location, temperature, etc. to a blockchain via oracles. This enables real-time monitoring and automation.


Oracles deliver data for parametric insurance policies that pay automatically based on events like flight delays, crop damage, or natural disasters.


Oracles enable verifiable randomness for NFT minting, loot box drops, and events like dice rolls for on-chain games.

Cross-Chain Communication

Oracles enable seamless communication between different blockchains, powering interoperability for cross-chain DeFi and metaverse applications.

As more real-world data becomes available via oracles, it unlocks new potential blockchain use cases across industries.

The Future of Oracles

Here are some predictions for the continued evolution of blockchain oracles:

  • More blockchains will integrate with oracle networks as the need for external data continues growing.

  • Decentralized oracles will be favored for security, avoiding single points of failure.

  • Chain-agnostic oracle networks will gain adoption by supporting multiple blockchains.

  • Specialized data providers will emerge around niche data types like weather, energy, shipping, etc.

  • Hardware oracles using IoT and Web3 sensors will expand with enterprise adoption.

  • Redundancy and aggregation methods will continue improving oracle security and reliability.

  • Blockchain interoperability will expand with cross-chain data flow enabled by oracles.

  • New standards may emerge around oracle designs, data formats, and best practices.

As blockchain adoption increases, oracles will rapidly expand in both importance and variety. They enable smart contracts and blockchains to respond to the full spectrum of real-world data, unlocking nearly endless possibilities for Web3 innovation.


Oracles solve one of the biggest limitations of smart contracts – securely accessing off-chain data. By bridging external data sources with on-chain contracts, they greatly expand the capabilities and real-world applications of blockchain technology.

While oracles come in different shapes and sizes, they share a common purpose – opening up smart contracts to the world outside the blockchain. As oracle networks continue maturing, they will power increasingly complex and valuable implementations across industries. The world of Web3 opens up as more real-world data, events, and actions become available to smart contract developers via oracles.