Going Viral: How to Create Contagious Content that Explodes Your Brand

Hey there! Have you ever wondered what it really takes to create viral social media content? The kind of posts, videos, and campaigns that seem to ignite across the internet, racking up millions of views seemingly overnight?

Content Navigation show

As someone who has managed social campaigns for brands for over 10 years, I‘ve both launched and studied my share of viral hits. And while luck is always a factor, there are also concrete strategies you can use to dramatically increase your chances of landing a viral smash.

In this guide, I‘ll break down my proven blueprint for developing viral content, from understanding emotional triggers, to optimizing formats, to advanced seeding tactics. I‘ll also walk through 10 examples of creative viral campaigns, decoding what made them such a success.

So buckle up friend! By the end, you‘ll have all the tools, frameworks, and examples needed to ignite contagious content and reach a massive audience. Let‘s get started!

What Does "Going Viral" Actually Mean?

The term "going viral" refers to Internet content – typically videos, memes, or social posts – gaining rapid widespread popularity through shares and reposts across platforms. This explosion in popularity is reminiscent of how viruses exponential spread through contact.

But what constitutes "viral fame" in concrete terms? Here are some key metrics and milestones:

  • 100k+ shares across platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • 1 million+ views on sites like YouTube and TikTok
  • Getting reposted by influencers and cultural figures
  • Sparking real-life events, dances and challenges
  • Getting press coverage by mainstream news outlets

In other words – the content, for better or worse, crosses over from niche internet fodder into broader pop culture relevancy.

What drives content to this tipping point? Read on to find out!

Decoding Viral Marketing: Why Do Some Campaigns Spread?

Viral content succeeds by providing value to viewers in the form of entertainment or emotional impact. When something makes people laugh, shocks them, inspires awe, or triggers another intense emotional response, it kickstarts that addictive rush to share the feeling with others.

This is why the most reliably viral post types are:

  • Humorous or clever comedic videos
  • Progressive social causes and inspirational stories
  • Mindblowing facts, pics and informational snippets
  • Controversial news triggering outrage and debates

Content formatted this way feeds our brain‘s craving for novelty, humor, useful info, and stimulating content.

And when something provides that value exceptionally well AND in an easy-to-consume way, boom – you have a recipe for viral success.

Now let‘s see some stellar examples in action.

10 Winning Examples of Viral Content Campaigns

Here are 10 top-performing recent viral content smashes alongside the key ingredients that propelled their sharing:

1. Pepsi brings the thrill of halftime to the masses (238M views)


  • Emotional nostalgia & joy
  • Celeb power (Britney + Cardi B)
  • Glitzy big-budget production
[emded YouTube video showcasing Pepsi Super Bowl campaign]

Pepsi maxes out the star power for their yearly Super Bowl campaigns, teaming big name celebs with glossy productions. This year they tapped into crowd excitement by letting fans join the halftime show through augmented reality.

2. Tabasco challenges fans to a spicy dare (175k shares)


  • Humorous challenge format
  • Brand personality & storytelling
  • Prize incentives
[Screenshots of Tabasco‘s viral challenge ]

Tabasco increased engagement by gamifying content with their #FlashbackChallenge, asking fans to post childhood pics recreating a current pic with Tabasco. The personality-driven concept aligned perfectly with their brand.

3. Dove makes body-shaming personal (800k+ views)


  • Emotional branding
  • Progressive messaging
  • Real-world parallels

By dramatizing the impacts of online body shaming through a social experiment, Dove created a compelling campaign for self-esteem and beauty standards.

4. Always radicalizes gender stereotypes (65M Views)


  • Brand activism
  • Hashtag engagement
  • Celebrity endorsement

Always tackled gender biases head-on by showcasing feats of athletic girls contrasted with boys fumbling at the same activities. Their #LikeAGirl hashtag framed the message in a sticky, meme-friendly format.

5. Sprite spotlights Lebron James‘ return to Cleveland


  • Cultural relevance
  • Emotional storytelling
  • Celebrity spotlight

Sprite won views and headlines by integrating their brand into Lebron James‘ heavily publicized return to his hometown of Cleveland. The emotional narrative built organic views before wider media pickup.

6. Kylie Jenner crashes Snapchat‘s stock (Lost $1.3B)


  • Influencer power
  • Timely controversy

When Kylie Jenner criticized Snapchat‘s redesign, the ripples were felt in the market – Snapstock plunged 6% almost instantly. A stark display of influencer dominance.

7. The Ice Bucket Challenge defines a summer (17M videos posted)


  • Visceral video hooks
  • Clear social call-to-actions
  • Compelling incentives

The Ice Bucket Challenge combined a catchy hook, simple video instructions, and a great cause – leading to truly exponential engagement.

8. Kids React launches multiple spin-offs (1B+ views)


  • Emotive reactions
  • Kids‘ online popularity
    -episodic formats

Kids React created a goldmine format showing kids reviewing viral videos and trends. This emotionally compelling premise was recycled across ages like Adults React – launching an entire React franchise empire.

9. AOC among top performers on Instagram stories


  • Authentic behind-the-scenes
  • Building parasocial bonds
  • Timely political commentary

AOC used Instagram stories to bring her followers into her world as she prepped for her first appearance as a congresswoman – creating engagement through intimacy and access.

10. Wendy‘s boosts brand with sassy tweets (10X follower growth)


  • On-brand humor
  • Community interactions
  • Pop culture commentary

Wendy‘s upped their social game by having their community manager post funny, sarcastic tweets interacting with followers and roasting competitors. Their edgy personality attracted a sea of impressionable new millennials.

So there you have it – 10 prime examples of what it means for content to truly take on a viral life of its own online.

As you could see, while the surface formats differed, common psychological drivers underpinned their explosive sharing power.

Now let‘s reverse engineer this success by walking through strategies to engineer your own viral sensations.

Crafting Highly Shareable Content: 8 Creative Strategies

While a dash of luck is always involved, you can set your viral content marketing up for success by getting the basics right.

Here are 8 techniques to bake virality potential right into your creative concepts:

1. Target strong innate emotional triggers

We‘re biologically wired to share powerful emotional experiences with others. So identify these core emotions and craft content explicitly designed to spark them:

  • Humor: Laugh out loud funny videos, images
  • Awe: Impressive stats/facts that shock the mind
  • Anger/Outrage: Injustice/societal issue takes
  • Warmth: Uplifting backstories and acts of kindness
  • Nostalgia: Throwback pics, reminiscing

2. Experiment with the most viral formats

Some formats have inherent traits that get high engagement. Prioritize these naturally-sticky templates:

  • Quick videos: 15-60 entertaining seconds
  • Memes: Digestible images with text overlay
  • Quizzes/Listicles: ~5 short points/pieces of info
  • Challenges: User participates then challenges others
  • Interactive content: Choose your own adventure

3. Monitor trending and timely topics

Nothing captures attention like content tied to what‘s already buzzing in pop culture and news.

Keep your pulse on trending hashtags, TV premieres, new music releases, and developing news stories – and quickly turn around related content before trends fade.

4. Optimize content characteristics for sharing

Certain structural elements encourage sharing regardless of the content specifics. Building these best practices into any creative concept amplifies potential viral velocity:

  • Clear call-to-action: Explicitly tell viewers to share/tag others
  • Hashtag inclusion: Helps discovery on other platforms
  • Tagging influencers/hubs: Puts campaign on radar of key sharers
  • Link back to site/profile: Drives traffic & followers

5. Proactively seed initial momentum with influencers

Influential voices can blast your content out to captive audiences right off the bat. Reach out to relevant bloggers, YouTubers, celebs etc with exclusive previews, embargoed teasers, or personalized asks driving early momentum.

6. Incentivize shares via sweepstakes and contests

Encourage viral behaviors like tagging friends or sharing campaign hashtags by tying them to prize contests. The allure of winning provides a compelling reason to spread the message further.

7. Distribute across the full spectrum of platforms

Unique formats can emerge on different platforms so develop multiple versions tailored to each:

  • Instagram: cropped vertical video, stylish visuals
  • YouTube: longer 5-10min video commentary
  • TikTok: 60 sec musical remix videos
  • Twitter: pithy topical meme reactions, retweet chains

8. Continuously analyze performance data to guide iteration

Use analytics to identify your top-performing segments in real time. Then double down on what works – pivot failing elements into what‘s resonating best with your audience.

Launching a Viral Campaign: An 11 Step Master Plan

Once your creative concept is locked in, proper launch and amplification tactics become critical.

Use this comprehensive 11 step roadmap to ensure your campaign gets maximum visibility with built-in momentum.

Step 1.) Set goals + success metrics

Define what viral means for your brand using quantified KPIs:

  • Impressions: Total eyeballs
  • Reach: # of unique accounts that saw content
  • Engagements: Comments, clicks, tags & shares
  • Conversions: Email signups, purchases etc

Set specific volume-based targets for each metric.

Step 2.) Map out an initial promotional calendar

Plot an advance calendar detailing:

  • Pre-launch teaser schedule to foreshadow your campaign
  • Influencer & media briefing dates to organize assets
  • Internal team briefings so everyone‘s aligned on goals & messaging
  • Paid ad flight dates when you‘ll amplify organic content

Step 3.) Create briefing assets for internal & media stakeholders

Arm stakeholders ready to evangelize your launch by assembling press kits with:

  • Planned social copy/imagery
  • Contest terms (if applicable)
  • Talking points on campaign objectives & key message pillars
  • Pre-approved quotes for interview purposes
  • Contact forms to coordinate promotion

Step 4.) Recruit influencers and early adopters

Line up key voices in the space willing to share day-of by:

  • Sending personalized invite emails with exclusive content previews
  • Following up with calls/DMs to confirm participation
  • Providing approved messaging and optimal tagging/captcha formats

Step 5.) Post natively across owned platforms

Upload polished content to your branded digital properties on launch day – website, blog, social accounts etc.

Seed initial sharing by explicitly encouraging your existing audience to:

  • Like and comment with feedback
  • Tag 3 friends they think would enjoy it too
  • Use campaign hashtags to unify the conversation

Step 6.) Scale reach rapidly with paid ads

Pour budget into ads with your content across channels like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

Prioritize objectives like:

  • Video views to tally eyeballs
  • Link clicks to drive site actions
  • Engagement bids to spur comments and sharing

Step 7.) Monitor analytics dashboards in real-time

Keep close watch on hourly analytics across media as content starts picking up steam.

Some key markers to track:

  • Views & Impressions: Overall eyeballs
  • Social referrals: Buzz into site/content
  • Engagement metrics: Comments, shares, tags
  • Owned follower growth: Instagram growth signalling interest

Step 8.) Iterate creative variations based on top performers

As trends emerge in the data, edit underperforming versions or double down on what‘s resonating by:

  • Adjusting social copy based on messaging resonance
  • Cutting/extending video runtimes aligned to drop-off rates
  • Creating complementary graphics off popular scenes, quotes etc

Step 9.) Prepare for site traffic spikes

Anticipate heightened bandwidth demands if campaign takes off by:

  • Working with web host on server load capacity
  • Optimizing site pages for faster load speeds
  • Setting up splash screens/queues if needed to manage demand

Step 10.) Manage community engagement

Stay actively involved as dialogues and user-gen content pick up by:

  • Responding to comment inquiries
  • Re-sharing compelling UGC like reactions/stories with consent
  • Jumping into trending hashtag discussions where relevant

Step 11.) Track ROI and optimize future initiatives

Conclude campaign with final recap analyses detailing:

  • Total owned, earned and paid reach
  • Web traffic and sales conversions driven
  • Top-performing segments and takeaways

And that‘s it – an end-to-end blueprint for launching a viral campaign!

While luck always plays a role, getting the fundamentals dialed goes a long way towards improving your odds.

Now that we‘ve covered strategies for viral success, let‘s touch on associated risks that also must stay top of mind.

Be Aware – Virality Cuts Both Ways

For all their exponential reach, viral content and campaigns can also spiral negatively – sometimes in damaging ways.

To have effective risk plans in place, first acknowledge the core dangers inherent to virality:

Loss of control

When things go massively viral, brands lose command of key messaging as content takes on a life of its own. Narratives can shift; new meanings emerge organically.

And it can happen essentially overnight before you have time to get ahead of it.

Mass criticism & backlash

The same factors that make things go viral also leave brands exposed to mass negativity should content land controversially.

Misjudging public sentiment can sink initiatives rapidly.

Infrastructure overload

A smash viral hit can cripple websites, bottleneck sales funnels and overwhelm support resources without ample provisions.

Unintended consequences

Just as viral content mirrors infectious outbreaks – so can its real-world impacts in the form of dangerous hoaxes, harmful challenges and more.

Guilt by association

As branding messages spread through shares, they blend into followers‘ feeds next potentially damaging and false content without context.

So modern marketing demands planning for polarized reactions where positive intent meets skeptical interpretation.

The more potentially disruptive your concept, the more scenario planning is required to circumvent hazards.

Key Takeaways

Viral content represents an invaluable chance for unknown brands to explode onto the cultural stage – but only by respecting virality‘s delicate rules.

The brands winning this game think creatively yet strategically. They lead with compelling emotional value in their content rather than logos alone.

They seed campaign launches with their most passionate allies while still planning diligently for potential backlash.

And they act authenticity, conversing with even naysayers like their brand‘s credibility depends on it – because it does.

But perhaps most importantly – they step back once campaigns are out the door, realizing the power now rests with the people. And that alone is the hidden beauty of viral marketing.

So go forth and spread creativity my friend! Just be ready for where the ripples lead.

I hope reviewing these frameworks gives you added confidence to try your hand crafting contagious content. Let me know if any part of the process needs clarifying – happy to chat 1-on-1 to help strategize your own viral launch!